function _yamlform_asset_alter in YAML Form 8
Alter CSS or JavaScript assets to include custom form assets.
Note: CSS and JavaScript are not aggregated or minified to make it easier for themers to debug and custom their code. We could write the CSS and JS to the 'files/css' and 'files/js' using the hash key and aggregrate them.
array $items: An array of all CSS or JavaScript being presented on the page.
\Drupal\Core\Asset\AttachedAssetsInterface $assets: The assets attached to the current response.
string $type: The type of asset being attached.
string $extension: The asset file extension being attached.
2 calls to _yamlform_asset_alter()
- yamlform_css_alter in ./
yamlform.module - Implements hook_css_alter().
- yamlform_js_alter in ./
yamlform.module - Implements hook_js_alter().
- ./
yamlform.module, line 314 - Enables the creation of forms and questionnaires.
function _yamlform_asset_alter(array &$items, AttachedAssetsInterface $assets, $type, $extension) {
$settings = $assets
if (empty($settings['yamlform']['assets'][$type])) {
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'yamlform');
foreach ($settings['yamlform']['assets'][$type] as $id => $hash) {
$key = "{$path}/{$extension}/yamlform.assets.{$extension}";
if (isset($items[$key])) {
$items[$key] = [
'data' => base_path() . "yamlform/{$id}/assets/{$type}?v={$hash}",
'group' => 1000,
'weight' => 1000,
] + $items[$key];