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function xmlsitemap_menu_calculate_priority in XML sitemap 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 xmlsitemap_menu/xmlsitemap_menu.module \xmlsitemap_menu_calculate_priority()

Calculate the priority of a menu link based on depth and weight.

1 string reference to 'xmlsitemap_menu_calculate_priority'
xmlsitemap_menu_update_6200 in xmlsitemap_menu/xmlsitemap_menu.install
Cleanup variables.


xmlsitemap_menu/xmlsitemap_menu.module, line 297
Main file for XML sitemap menu.


function xmlsitemap_menu_calculate_priority(array $menu_item) {
  $priority = (MENU_MAX_DEPTH - $menu_item['depth'] + 1) / MENU_MAX_DEPTH;
  $priority -= (50 + $menu_item['weight']) / (100 * (MENU_MAX_DEPTH + 1));
  return $priority;