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function xmlsitemap_is_entity_type_supported in XML sitemap 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.x xmlsitemap.module \xmlsitemap_is_entity_type_supported()

Determines if an entity type can be listed in the XML sitemap as links.


\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface $entity_type: The entity type.

Return value

bool TRUE if the entity type can be used, or FALSE otherwise.

1 call to xmlsitemap_is_entity_type_supported()
xmlsitemap_get_link_info in ./xmlsitemap.module
Returns information about supported sitemap link types.
1 string reference to 'xmlsitemap_is_entity_type_supported'
XmlSitemapEntitiesSettingsForm::buildForm in src/Form/XmlSitemapEntitiesSettingsForm.php
Form constructor.


./xmlsitemap.module, line 657
xmlsitemap XML sitemap


function xmlsitemap_is_entity_type_supported(EntityTypeInterface $entity_type) {

  // If the XML sitemap status in the entity type annotation has been set then
  // return that first. This will allow modules to bypass the logic below if
  // needed.
  $status = $entity_type
  if ($status !== NULL) {
    return $status;

  // Skip if the entity type is not a content entity type.
  if (!$entity_type instanceof ContentEntityTypeInterface) {
    return FALSE;

  // Skip if the entity type is internal (and not considered public).
  if ($entity_type
    ->isInternal()) {
    return FALSE;

  // Skip if the entity type does not have a canonical URL.
  if (!$entity_type
    ->hasLinkTemplate('canonical') && !$entity_type
    ->getUriCallback()) {
    return FALSE;

  // Skip if the entity type as a bundle entity type but does not yet have
  // any bundles created.
  if ($entity_type
    ->getBundleEntityType() && !\Drupal::service('')
    ->id())) {
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;