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function xmlsitemap_get_chunk_size in XML sitemap 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 xmlsitemap.module \xmlsitemap_get_chunk_size()
  2. 6.2 xmlsitemap.module \xmlsitemap_get_chunk_size()
  3. 2.x xmlsitemap.module \xmlsitemap_get_chunk_size()

Get the sitemap chunk size.

This function is useful with the chunk size is set to automatic as it will calculate the appropriate value. Use this function instead of


when the actual value is needed.


bool $reset: A boolean to reset the saved, static result. Defaults to FALSE.

Return value

int An integer with the number of links in each sitemap page.

4 calls to xmlsitemap_get_chunk_size()
xmlsitemap_generate_chunk in ./
Generate chunk.
xmlsitemap_get_chunk_count in ./xmlsitemap.module
Get the current number of sitemap chunks.
xmlsitemap_requirements in ./xmlsitemap.install
Implements hook_requirements().
_xmlsitemap_get_optimal_memory_limit in ./
Calculate the optimal PHP memory limit for sitemap generation.


./xmlsitemap.module, line 1339
xmlsitemap XML sitemap


function xmlsitemap_get_chunk_size($reset = FALSE) {
  static $size;
  if (!isset($size) || $reset) {
    $size = xmlsitemap_var('chunk_size');
    if ($size === 'auto') {

      // Prevent divide by zero.
      $count = max(xmlsitemap_get_link_count($reset), 1);
      $size = min(ceil($count / 10000) * 5000, XMLSITEMAP_MAX_SITEMAP_LINKS);
  return $size;