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function xmlsitemap_entity_type_build in XML sitemap 2.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 xmlsitemap.module \xmlsitemap_entity_type_build()

Implements hook_entity_type_build().


./xmlsitemap.module, line 623
xmlsitemap XML sitemap


function xmlsitemap_entity_type_build(array &$entity_types) {

  // Mark some specific core entity types as not supported by XML sitemap.
  // If a site wants to undo this, they may use hook_entity_type_alter().
  $unsupported_types = [
    // Custom blocks.
    // Comments.
    // Shortcut items.
    // Redirects.
    // Custom Token module.
    // @see

  /** @var $entity_types \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface[] */
  foreach ($unsupported_types as $entity_type_id) {
    if (isset($entity_types[$entity_type_id])) {
        ->set('xmlsitemap', FALSE);