8 calls to xmlsitemap_var() in XML sitemap 7.2
- XMLSitemapTestHelper::assertFlag in ./
xmlsitemap.test - Assert Flag.
- XMLSitemapUnitTest::testAssertFlag in ./
xmlsitemap.test - Test Assert Flag.
- xmlsitemap_get_chunk_size in ./
xmlsitemap.module - Get the sitemap chunk size.
- xmlsitemap_menu_cron in xmlsitemap_menu/
xmlsitemap_menu.module - Implements hook_cron().
- xmlsitemap_node_cron in xmlsitemap_node/
xmlsitemap_node.module - Implements hook_cron().
- xmlsitemap_settings_form in ./
xmlsitemap.admin.inc - Form builder; Administration settings form.
- xmlsitemap_taxonomy_cron in xmlsitemap_taxonomy/
xmlsitemap_taxonomy.module - Implements hook_cron().
- xmlsitemap_user_cron in xmlsitemap_user/
xmlsitemap_user.module - Implements hook_cron().