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15 calls to xmlsitemap_static() in XML sitemap 6.2

XMLSitemapTestHelper::addSitemapLink in ./xmlsitemap.test
xmlsitemap_check_status in ./
Check the status of all hook_requirements() from any xmlsitemap modules.
xmlsitemap_engines_get_engine_info in xmlsitemap_engines/xmlsitemap_engines.module
Returns information about supported search engines.
xmlsitemap_get_context_info in ./xmlsitemap.module
xmlsitemap_get_current_context in ./xmlsitemap.module
Get the sitemap context of the current request.
xmlsitemap_get_directory in ./xmlsitemap.module
End of "defgroup xmlsitemap_link_api"
xmlsitemap_get_link_info in ./xmlsitemap.module
Returns information about supported sitemap link types.
xmlsitemap_language_load in ./xmlsitemap.module
Load a language object by its language code.
xmlsitemap_load_all_includes in ./xmlsitemap.module
Load all files.
xmlsitemap_node_view_access in xmlsitemap_node/xmlsitemap_node.module
Determine whether a user may view the specified node.
xmlsitemap_static_reset in ./xmlsitemap.module
xmlsitemap_switch_user in ./xmlsitemap.module
Set the current user stored in $GLOBALS['user'].
xmlsitemap_var in ./xmlsitemap.module
Internal implementation of variable_get().
_xmlsitemap_get_field_type in ./xmlsitemap.module
Given an table and field, return the field type.
_xmlsitemap_get_optimal_memory_limit in ./
Calculate the optimal PHP memory limit for sitemap generation.