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protected function XMLSitemapTestHelper::addSitemapLink in XML sitemap 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 xmlsitemap.test \XMLSitemapTestHelper::addSitemapLink()
6 calls to XMLSitemapTestHelper::addSitemapLink()
XMLSitemapI18nTest::testLanguageSelection in xmlsitemap_i18n/xmlsitemap_i18n.test
XMLSitemapUnitTest::testDuplicatePaths in ./xmlsitemap.test
Test that duplicate paths are skipped during generation.
XMLSitemapUnitTest::testGetChunkCount in ./xmlsitemap.test
Tests for xmlsitemap_get_chunk_count().
XMLSitemapUnitTest::testLinkDelete in ./xmlsitemap.test
Tests for xmlsitemap_link_delete().
XMLSitemapUnitTest::testMinimumLifetime in ./xmlsitemap.test
Test that the sitemap will not be genereated before the lifetime expires.

... See full list


./xmlsitemap.test, line 183
Unit tests for the xmlsitemap module.


Helper test class with some added functions for testing.


protected function addSitemapLink(array $link = array()) {
  $last_id =& xmlsitemap_static(__FUNCTION__, 1);
  $link += array(
    'type' => 'testing',
    'id' => $last_id,
    'access' => 1,
    'status' => 1,

  // Make the default path easier to read than a random string.
  $link += array(
    'loc' => $link['type'] . '-' . $link['id'],
  $last_id = max($last_id, $link['id']) + 1;
  return $link;