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function hook_xmlsitemap_link_presave_alter in XML sitemap 7.2

Act on a sitemap link being inserted or updated.

This hook is currently invoked from xmlsitemap_node_node_update() before the node sitemap link is saved to the database with revoked access until the node permissions are checked in the cron.


array $link: An array with the data of the sitemap link.

array $context: An optional context array containing data related to the link.

1 invocation of hook_xmlsitemap_link_presave_alter()
xmlsitemap_link_presave in ./xmlsitemap.module
Presave a sitemap link.


./xmlsitemap.api.php, line 72
Hooks provided by the XML sitemap module.


function hook_xmlsitemap_link_presave_alter(array &$link, array $context) {
  if ($link['type'] == 'mymodule') {
    $link['priority'] += 0.5;