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function hook_xmlsitemap_context_info in XML sitemap 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 xmlsitemap.api.php \hook_xmlsitemap_context_info()
  2. 6.2 xmlsitemap.api.php \hook_xmlsitemap_context_info()
  3. 2.x xmlsitemap.api.php \hook_xmlsitemap_context_info()

Provide information about contexts available to XML sitemap.

See also


1 function implements hook_xmlsitemap_context_info()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

xmlsitemap_i18n_xmlsitemap_context_info in xmlsitemap_i18n/xmlsitemap_i18n.module
Implements hook_xmlsitemap_context_info().
1 invocation of hook_xmlsitemap_context_info()
xmlsitemap_get_context_info in ./xmlsitemap.module


./xmlsitemap.api.php, line 165
Hooks provided by the XML sitemap module.


function hook_xmlsitemap_context_info() {
  $info['vocabulary'] = array(
    'label' => t('Vocabulary'),
    'summary callback' => 'mymodule_xmlsitemap_vocabulary_context_summary',
    'default' => 0,
  return $info;