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function xmlrpc_test_array_of_structs_test in xmlrpc 8

Test function counting elements occurrences.


array $array: A hash of values, containing sub-arrays with repeated keys.

Return value

int The count of values for a repeated key.

1 call to xmlrpc_test_array_of_structs_test()
XmlRpcValidatorTest::testValidator in src/Tests/XmlRpcValidatorTest.php
Run validator1 tests.
1 string reference to 'xmlrpc_test_array_of_structs_test'
xmlrpc_test_xmlrpc in tests/modules/xmlrpc_test/xmlrpc_test.module
Implements hook_xmlrpc().


tests/modules/xmlrpc_test/xmlrpc_test.module, line 17
Test module to support XmlRpcMessagesTest and XmlRpcValidatorTest.


function xmlrpc_test_array_of_structs_test(array $array) {
  $sum = 0;
  foreach ($array as $struct) {
    if (isset($struct['curly'])) {
      $sum += $struct['curly'];
  return $sum;