class XHProfRunsFile in XHProf 7
Same name in this branch
- 7 \XHProfRunsFile
- 7 XHProfLib/XHProfRuns.php \XHProfRunsFile
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6 \XHProfRunsFile
- 6 XHProfLib/XHProfRuns.php \XHProfRunsFile
XHProfRuns_Default is the default implementation of the iXHProfRuns interface for saving/fetching XHProf runs.
- class \XHProfRunsFile implements \XHProfRunsInterface
Expanded class hierarchy of XHProfRunsFile
7 string references to 'XHProfRunsFile'
- xhprof_admin_settings in ./ - Administrative settings form for XHProf module.
- xhprof_display_run in ./
xhprof.module - Display XHProf run report.
- xhprof_get_classes in ./
xhprof.module - List all available XHProf storage backends.
- xhprof_include in ./
xhprof.module - Helper. Make sure expensive module_load_include() does not run needlessly.
- xhprof_run_list in ./
xhprof.module - Display list of saved XHProf runs.
- ./, line 13 - Definition of XHProfRunsFile.
View source
class XHProfRunsFile implements XHProfRunsInterface {
private $dir = '';
private $suffix = 'xhprof';
public function getDir() {
return $this->dir;
private function gen_run_id($type) {
return uniqid();
private function file_name($run_id, $type) {
$file = "{$run_id}." . str_replace(array(
), '-', $type) . '.' . $this->suffix;
if (!empty($this->dir)) {
$file = $this->dir . "/" . $file;
return $file;
public function __construct($dir = NULL) {
// if user hasn't passed a directory location,
// we use the xhprof.output_dir ini setting
// if specified, else we default to the directory
// in which the error_log file resides.
if (empty($dir)) {
$dir = ini_get("xhprof.output_dir");
if (empty($dir)) {
// some default that at least works on unix...
$dir = "/tmp";
/* @todo - Put this somewhere more sensible.
watchdog("xhprof", "Warning: Must specify directory location for XHProf runs. " .
"Trying {$dir} as default. You can either pass the " .
"directory location as an argument to the constructor " .
"for XHProfRuns_Default() or set xhprof.output_dir " .
"ini param.");
$this->dir = $dir;
public function get_run($run_id, $type, &$run_desc) {
if (!is_dir($this->dir) || !is_writable($this->dir)) {
// If the runs directory is not found or writable.
drupal_set_message(t('XHProf could not find the runs directory "%directory".', array(
'%directory' => $this->dir,
)), 'error');
$run_desc = "Invalid runs directory = {$this->dir}";
return NULL;
$file_name = $this
->file_name($run_id, $type);
if (!file_exists($file_name)) {
watchdog("xhprof", "Could not find file %file_name", array(
'%file_name' => $file_name,
$run_desc = "Invalid Run Id = {$run_id}";
return NULL;
$contents = file_get_contents($file_name);
$run_desc = "XHProf Run (Namespace={$type})";
return unserialize($contents);
public function save_run($xhprof_data, $type, $run_id = NULL) {
// Use PHP serialize function to store the XHProf's
// raw profiler data.
$xhprof_data = serialize($xhprof_data);
if ($run_id === NULL) {
$run_id = $this
$file_name = $this
->file_name($run_id, $type);
$file = fopen($file_name, 'w');
if ($file) {
fwrite($file, $xhprof_data);
else {
watchdog("xhprof", "Could not open %file_name.", array(
'%file_name' => $file_name,
// echo "Saved run in {$file_name}.\nRun id = {$run_id}.\n";
return $run_id;
public function getRuns($stats, $limit = 50, $skip = 0) {
$files = $this
->getDir(), str_replace(array(
), '-', variable_get('site_name', '')));
foreach ($files as $i => $file) {
$file['date'] = strtotime($file['date']);
$files[$i] = $file;
return $files;
public function getCount() {
public function scanXHProfDir($dir, $source = NULL) {
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$runs = array();
foreach (glob("{$dir}/*.{$source}.*") as $file) {
list($run, $source) = explode('.', basename($file));
$runs[] = array(
'run_id' => $run,
'source' => $source,
'basename' => htmlentities(basename($file)),
'date' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($file)),
return array_reverse($runs);
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
XHProfRunsFile:: |
private | property | ||
XHProfRunsFile:: |
private | property | ||
XHProfRunsFile:: |
private | function | ||
XHProfRunsFile:: |
private | function | ||
XHProfRunsFile:: |
public | function | ||
XHProfRunsFile:: |
public | function | ||
XHProfRunsFile:: |
public | function | ||
XHProfRunsFile:: |
public | function | ||
XHProfRunsFile:: |
public | function | ||
XHProfRunsFile:: |
public | function | ||
XHProfRunsFile:: |
public | function |