You are here in Extensible BBCode 6

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  1. 8
  2. 8.2
  3. 7

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/* various functions we only need for ourselves. */
function _xbbcode_get_handlers() {

  // This function does not use caching because it is used only in the settings page.
  $all = array();
  foreach (module_implements('xbbcode') as $module) {
    $tags = module_invoke($module, 'xbbcode', 'list');
    if (is_array($tags)) {
      foreach ($tags as $i => $tag) {
        if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]+$/i', $tag)) {
        else {
          $tags[$i] = array(
            'name' => $tag,
            'module' => $module,
      $all = array_merge($all, $tags);
  return $all;
function _xbbcode_get_tags($format = 0, $settings = FALSE) {
  static $defaults = array(
    'replacewith' => '',
    'description' => '',
    'sample' => '',
    'multiarg' => FALSE,
    'dynamic' => FALSE,
    'selfclosing' => FALSE,
  static $cache;
  if (!$settings && !isset($cache[$format]) && ($data = cache_get('xbbcode_tags_' . $format))) {
    $cache[$format] = unserialize($data->data);
    return $cache[$format];

  /* check for format-specific settings */
  $res = db_query("SELECT name, module, weight, enabled FROM {xbbcode_handlers} WHERE format IN (0, %d) ORDER BY format, weight, name ", $format);
  $handlers = array();
  while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
    $handlers[$row['name']] = $row;
  foreach ($handlers as $tag => $handler) {
    if (!$handler['enabled']) {
  $cache[$format] = array();
  foreach ($handlers as $name => $handler) {
    $tag = (array) $handler;
    $tag += (array) module_invoke($handler['module'], 'xbbcode', 'info', $name);
    $tag += (array) $defaults;
    $cache[$format][$name] = $tag;
  if ($settings) {
    return $cache[$format];
  cache_set('xbbcode_tags_' . $format, serialize($cache[$format]), 'cache', CACHE_PERMANENT);
  return $cache[$format];
function _xbbcode_list_formats() {
  $res = db_query("SELECT {filters}.format, name FROM {filters} NATURAL JOIN {filter_formats} " . "WHERE module = 'xbbcode'");
  $formats = array();
  while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
    $formats[$row['format']] = $row['name'];
  return $formats;
function _xbbcode_one_time_code($text) {

  // find an internal delimiter that's guaranteed not to collide with our given text.
  do {
    $code = md5(rand(1000, 9999));
  } while (preg_match("/{$code}/", $text));
  return $code;
function _xbbcode_parse_args($args) {
  $args = str_replace(array(
  ), array(
  ), $args);
  if (!$args) {

  // return if they don't exist.
  if ($args[0] == '=') {
    return substr($args, 1);
  else {
    $args = substr($args, 1);

  // otherwise, remove leading space
  $otc = _xbbcode_one_time_code($args);

  // generate our non-colliding one-time-code.
  // first, if there are quoted strings anywhere, strip quotes and escape spaces inside.
  $args = preg_replace('/"([^"]*)"|\'([^\']*)\'/e', 'str_replace(\' \',"[space-' . $otc . ']","$1$2")', $args);

  // now we have a simple space-separated text.
  $args = split(" +", $args);
  foreach ($args as $assignment) {
    if (!preg_match('/^([a-z]+)=(.*)$/', $assignment, $match)) {
    $parsed[$match[1]] = str_replace("[space-{$otc}]", ' ', $match[2]);
  return $parsed;
function xbbcode_get_filter($format = 0) {
  static $filters;
  if (!isset($filters[$format])) {
    $tags = _xbbcode_get_tags($format);
    $filters[$format] = new XBBCodeFilter($tags, $format);
  return $filters[$format];
function _xbbcode_revert_tags($text) {
  return preg_replace('/\\[([^\\]]+)-[0-9]+-\\]/i', '[$1]', $text);
function xbbcode_get_custom_tag($tag = NULL) {
  static $tags;
  if (!isset($tags)) {
    $res = db_query("SELECT name, sample, description, selfclosing, dynamic, multiarg, replacewith FROM {xbbcode_custom_tags}");
    while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
      $tags[$row['name']] = $row;
  if ($tag && !empty($tags[$tag])) {
    return $tags[$tag];
  else {
    if (!empty($tags)) {
      return array_keys($tags);