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class XBBCodeFilter in Extensible BBCode 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 xbbcode-filter.php \XBBCodeFilter
  2. 7 \XBBCodeFilter


Expanded class hierarchy of XBBCodeFilter


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class XBBCodeFilter {
  var $tags;
  var $weighted_tags;

   * Constructor. This will make a filter object
   * from a bundle of tags.
  function XBBCodeFilter($tags, $format = -1) {
    $this->tags = $tags;
    $this->format = $format;
    $this->weighted_tags = array();
    foreach ($this->tags as $key => $tag) {
      $this->weighted_tags[$tag['weight']][] = $key;

   * main filter function.
   * This will filter the text and return it.
  function process($text) {

    /* this function adds forms like these [tag-n-] and later removes them.
     * to avoid unexpected side-effects, if such forms exist already,
     * we must first hide them, then restore them after removal.
    $otc = _xbbcode_one_time_code($text);

    // generate a code that does not occur in the text.
    $text = preg_replace('/\\[([^\\]]+-[0-9]+-)\\]/i', '[$1' . $otc . ']', $text);

    // mask existing forms
    list($text, $pairs) = $this

    // pair up the tags
    if ($pairs) {

    // sort by key.
    $text = $this
      ->filter_tags($text, $pairs);

    // filter the tags we found
    $text = preg_replace('/\\[([^\\]]+-[0-9]+-)' . $otc . '\\]/i', '[$1]', $text);

    // restore any masked stuff
    return $text;

   * Pairing engine.
   * This function pairs up the nested tags in the text by giving them unique ids in this form:
   * [tag] [tag] [/tag] [/tag] becomes [tag-0-] [tag-1-] [/tag-1-] [/tag-0-]
  function pair_tags($text) {
    $this->pair_id = 0;
    $this->tagpairs['#complete'] = array();
    $pattern = '/\\[(\\/)?([a-z0-9]+)([= ][^\\[\\]]*[^\\-])?\\]/ie';
    $replace = '$this->pair_tag(\'$2\',\'$1\',\'$3\');';
    foreach (array_keys($this->weighted_tags) as $weight) {
      $this->current_weight = $weight;

      // tell the pairing function which tags to pair up in this round.
      $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);

      // invoke the pairing function
    if (variable_get('xbbcode_filter_' . $this->format . '_autoclose', false)) {
      $text .= $this
    $pairs = $this->tagpairs['#complete'];

    // get the completed pairs
    return array(

    // return the text and the pairs.

   * Called from the Regex replacer.
   * Gives each [tag] a pair id: [tag-#-]
   * Stacks up open tags and gives nested tags the proper pair numbers.
   * Automatically adds closers to selfclosing tags.
   * Lists completed pairs in $tagpairs['#complete']. Needed to determine static/dynamic status.
  function pair_tag($tagname, $isclosing, $args) {
    if (!in_array($tagname, $this->weighted_tags[$this->current_weight])) {
      return "[" . ($isclosing ? '/' : '') . "{$tagname}{$args}]";

      // don't pair unregistered tags
    if ($isclosing) {
      if (!$this->tagpairs[$tagname]) {
        return "[/{$tagname}]";

      // never opened? reject the closing tag.
      $last = array_pop($this->tagpairs[$tagname]);

      // read last stack entry and delete it.
      $this->tagpairs['#complete'][$last] = $tagname;
      return "[/{$tagname}-{$last}-]";
    else {
      $this->tagpairs[$tagname][] = $this->pair_id;

      // add it to the stack
      $return = "[{$tagname}{$args}-{$this->pair_id}-]";

      // return the transformed opener.
      if ($this->tags[$tagname]['selfclosing']) {

        // if it's selfclosing...
        $return .= "[/{$tagname}-{$this->pair_id}-]";

        // also add a closing tag.
        $this->tagpairs['#complete'][$this->pair_id] = $tagname;

        // and add it to the finished stack.
      return $return;

   * Second part of the filtering process. Tags are now paired up; render them.
   * Unclosed tags are ignored, but still have a dangling pair id that must be removed afterward.
  function filter_tags($text, $pairs) {
    if ($pairs) {
      foreach ($pairs as $id => $name) {

        // for all pairs...
        $pattern = '/\\[' . $name . '(=([^\\]]*))?-' . $id . '-\\](.*)\\[\\/' . $name . '-' . $id . '-\\]/ims';
        if ($this->tags[$name]['multiarg']) {

          // set the multi-arg pattern
          $pattern = str_replace("=", "[= ]", $pattern);
        if ($this->tags[$name]['dynamic'] || $this->tags[$name]['multiarg']) {

          // multi-arg and dynamics are handled by an eval, and this is it.
          $pattern .= 'e';
          $replace = '$this->generate_tag("' . $name . '",\'$1\',\'$3\')';
        else {

          /* we could get rid of the pairs array entirely if we didn't need the dynamic/static
           * state. But since most tags are static, making the distinction saves performance. */
          $replace = str_replace(array(
          ), array(
          ), $this->tags[$name]['replacewith']);
        $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);

    /* now clean up the dangling opening tags */
    $text = preg_replace('/\\[([^\\]]+)-[0-9]+-\\]/i', '[$1]', $text);
    return $text;
  function generate_tag($tagname, $args, $content) {
    $content = stripslashes($content);
    $args = stripslashes($args);
    $args = _xbbcode_parse_args($args);
    if (!is_array($args)) {
      $option = $args;
    if (!$this->tags[$tagname]['dynamic']) {
      $replace = array(
        '{content}' => $content,
      if ($option) {
        $replace['{option}'] = $option;
      else {
        foreach ($args as $name => $value) {
          $replace['{' . $name . '}'] = $value;
      $code = str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $this->tags[$tagname]['replacewith']);
      return $code;

    /* we now know it is dynamic, evaluate it. */
    $tag = new stdClass();
    $tag->name = $tagname;
    $tag->content = $content;
    $tag->option = $option;
    $tag->args = $args;
    return module_invoke($this->tags[$tagname]['module'], 'xbbcode', 'render', $tag->name, $tag);
  function closure() {
    $output = array();
    foreach (element_children($this->tagpairs) as $tagname) {
      foreach ($this->tagpairs[$tagname] as $pair_id) {
        $output[$pair_id] = "[/{$tagname}-{$pair_id}-]";
        $this->tagpairs['#complete'][$pair_id] = $tagname;
    return implode("", $output);

