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public function TagSetForm::form in Extensible BBCode 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4.0.x src/Form/TagSetForm.php \Drupal\xbbcode\Form\TagSetForm::form()

Gets the actual form array to be built.

Overrides EntityForm::form

See also




src/Form/TagSetForm.php, line 78


Base form for tag sets.




public function form(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) : array {
  $form = parent::form($form, $form_state);
  $form = $this

  // Begin by creating a table with checkboxes for each plugin.
  $form['_tags'] = [
    '#type' => 'tableselect',
    '#title' => $this
    '#header' => [
      'name' => $this
        ->t('Tag name'),
      'label' => $this
    '#options' => [],
    '#empty' => $this
      ->t('No custom tags or plugins are available.'),

  /** @var \Drupal\xbbcode\Entity\TagSetInterface $tagSet */
  $tagSet = $this->entity;
  $plugins = new TagPluginCollection($this->pluginManager, $tagSet
  $available = $this->pluginManager
  $settings = [];

  // Add the fields for the activated plugins, keyed by current tag name.
  // (This is because the same plugin might be active with multiple names.)
  foreach ($plugins as $name => $plugin) {

    /** @var \Drupal\xbbcode\Plugin\TagPluginInterface $plugin */
    $settings["enabled:{$name}"] = $this
      ->buildRow($plugin, TRUE);
    $form['_tags']['#default_value']["enabled:{$name}"] = TRUE;

    // Exclude already enabled plugins from the bottom part of the table.

  // Add the fields for the available plugins, keyed by plugin ID.
  // (This is because multiple plugins might use the same default tag name.)
  foreach ($available as $plugin_id) {

    /** @var \Drupal\xbbcode\Plugin\TagPluginInterface $plugin */
    try {
      $plugin = $this->pluginManager
      $settings["available:{$plugin_id}"] = $this
        ->buildRow($plugin, FALSE);
    } catch (PluginException $exception) {

      // If the plugin is broken, log it and don't show it.
      watchdog_exception('xbbcode', $exception);

  // Add placeholders in the tableselect.
  foreach ($settings as $key => $row) {
    foreach ((array) $row as $name => $cell) {
      $form['_tags']['#options'][$key][$name]['data'] = $name;

  // Put the settings forms into a virtual _settings subkey.
  $form['_settings'] = $settings;
  $form['_settings']['#tree'] = TRUE;

  // Move the settings from there into the tableselect rows when rendering.
  $form['#pre_render'][] = static function (array $form) : array {
    $table =& $form['_tags'];
    $settings = $form['_settings'];
    foreach (Element::children($settings) as $key) {
      foreach ((array) $settings[$key] as $name => $cell) {
        $table['#options'][$key][$name]['data'] = $cell;
    return $form;
  $formats = $this->formatStorage
    ->condition('filters.xbbcode.status', TRUE)
  if ($formats) {
    $form['formats'] = [
      '#type' => 'checkboxes',
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('Text formats'),
      '#description' => $this
        ->t('Text formats that use this tag set.'),
      '#options' => [],
    foreach ($this->formatStorage
      ->loadMultiple($formats) as $id => $format) {
      $form['formats']['#options'][$id] = $format
    if (!$this->entity
      ->isNew()) {
      $form['formats']['#default_value'] = $this->formatStorage
        ->condition('filters.xbbcode.settings.tags', $this->entity
  return parent::form($form, $form_state);