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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Extensible BBCode 8.3

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
CallbackTagProcessor class Drupal\xbbcode\Parser\Processor src/Parser/Processor/CallbackTagProcessor.php A simple wrapper that allows using callable functions as tag plugins. 2
CodeTagPlugin class Drupal\xbbcode_standard\Plugin\XBBCode standard/src/Plugin/XBBCode/CodeTagPlugin.php Prints raw code.
ElementInterface interface Drupal\xbbcode\Parser\Tree src/Parser/Tree/ElementInterface.php An element in the parser tree. 2 2
EntityTagPlugin class Drupal\xbbcode\Plugin\XBBCode src/Plugin/XBBCode/EntityTagPlugin.php A tag plugin based on a custom tag entity. 2
ImageTagPlugin class Drupal\xbbcode_standard\Plugin\XBBCode standard/src/Plugin/XBBCode/ImageTagPlugin.php Inserts an image.
LabeledFormTrait trait Drupal\xbbcode\Form src/Form/LabeledFormTrait.php Helper function for adding label fields to an entity form.
ListTagPlugin class Drupal\xbbcode_standard\Plugin\XBBCode standard/src/Plugin/XBBCode/ListTagPlugin.php Renders a list.
NodeElement abstract class Drupal\xbbcode\Parser\Tree src/Parser/Tree/NodeElement.php A node element contains other elements. 2
NodeElementInterface interface Drupal\xbbcode\Parser\Tree src/Parser/Tree/NodeElementInterface.php Interface for node elements. 2 4
NullTagPlugin class Drupal\xbbcode\Plugin\XBBCode src/Plugin/XBBCode/NullTagPlugin.php Provides a fallback placeholder plugin.
OutputElement class Drupal\xbbcode\Parser\Tree src/Parser/Tree/OutputElement.php Represent a rendered element in the parse tree. 1
OutputElementInterface interface Drupal\xbbcode\Parser\Tree src/Parser/Tree/OutputElementInterface.php An output element must be convertible to a string. 2 6
ParserInterface interface Drupal\xbbcode\Parser src/Parser/ParserInterface.php An interface for parsers. 1
PluginCollectionArrayAdapter trait Drupal\xbbcode src/PluginCollectionArrayAdapter.php Adapt plugin collection methods for array access.
PluginCollectionInterface interface Drupal\xbbcode src/PluginCollectionInterface.php Common methods to access a plugin collection. 1
PreparedTagElement class Drupal\xbbcode src/PreparedTagElement.php Adapter for the tag element that marks markup as safe. 2
RenderTagPlugin abstract class Drupal\xbbcode\Plugin src/Plugin/RenderTagPlugin.php Base class for plugins that produce a Drupal render array. 3 3
RootElement class Drupal\xbbcode\Parser\Tree src/Parser/Tree/RootElement.php The root element of the tag tree. 1
TableTagPlugin class Drupal\xbbcode_standard\Plugin\XBBCode standard/src/Plugin/XBBCode/TableTagPlugin.php Renders a table.
Tag class Drupal\xbbcode\Entity src/Entity/Tag.php Represents a custom XBBCode tag that can be altered by administrators.
TagAccessHandler class Drupal\xbbcode src/TagAccessHandler.php Control access to XBBCodeTag entities.
TagElement class Drupal\xbbcode\Parser\Tree src/Parser/Tree/TagElement.php A BBCode tag element. 2
TagElementInterface interface Drupal\xbbcode\Parser\Tree src/Parser/Tree/TagElementInterface.php A tag occurrence as processed by tag plugins. 2 18
TagForm class Drupal\xbbcode\Form src/Form/TagForm.php Base form for creating and editing custom tags. 1
TagFormBase class Drupal\xbbcode\Form src/Form/TagFormBase.php Base form for custom tags. 2
TagFormCopy class Drupal\xbbcode\Form src/Form/TagFormCopy.php Form for creating a copy of a BBCode tag.
TagFormView class Drupal\xbbcode\Form src/Form/TagFormView.php A form for viewing a read-only BBCode tag.
TagInterface interface Drupal\xbbcode\Entity src/Entity/TagInterface.php Defines the interface for custom tag entities. 1 2
TagListBuilder class Drupal\xbbcode src/TagListBuilder.php Build a table view of custom tags.
TagPluginBase abstract class Drupal\xbbcode\Plugin src/Plugin/TagPluginBase.php Provides a base class for XBBCode tag plugins. 5 4
TagPluginCollection class Drupal\xbbcode src/TagPluginCollection.php A collection of tag plugins. 3
TagPluginDeriver class Drupal\xbbcode\Plugin\Derivative src/Plugin/Derivative/TagPluginDeriver.php Provide a tag plugin for each XBBCodeCustom entity.
TagPluginInterface interface Drupal\xbbcode\Plugin src/Plugin/TagPluginInterface.php Defines the interface for XBBCode tag plugins. 1 3
TagPluginManager class Drupal\xbbcode src/TagPluginManager.php Manages BBCode tags. 3 2
TagProcessorBase abstract class Drupal\xbbcode\Parser\Processor src/Parser/Processor/TagProcessorBase.php Base tag processor for wrapping the output. 1
TagProcessorInterface interface Drupal\xbbcode\Parser\Processor src/Parser/Processor/TagProcessorInterface.php Encapsulates the processing functionality of a tag plugin. 2 4
TagProcessResult class Drupal\xbbcode src/TagProcessResult.php Represents the output of a tag processor in a tree. 8
TagSet class Drupal\xbbcode\Entity src/Entity/TagSet.php Represents a set of configured tags. 1
TagSetForm class Drupal\xbbcode\Form src/Form/TagSetForm.php Base form for tag sets.
TagSetInterface interface Drupal\xbbcode\Entity src/Entity/TagSetInterface.php Defines the interface for custom tag entities. 1
TagSetListBuilder class Drupal\xbbcode src/TagSetListBuilder.php Build a table view of tag sets.
TemplateTagPlugin class Drupal\xbbcode\Plugin src/Plugin/TemplateTagPlugin.php This is a tag that delegates processing to a Twig template. 1 1
TextElement class Drupal\xbbcode\Parser\Tree src/Parser/Tree/TextElement.php An element representing a text fragment. 3
TreeEncodeTrait trait Drupal\xbbcode_standard standard/src/TreeEncodeTrait.php Static helper functions for tag plugins that parse their top-level text. 2
Utf8 class Drupal\xbbcode src/Utf8.php Implementation of UTF-8 character utilities. 1
XBBCodeAdminTest class Drupal\Tests\xbbcode\Functional tests/src/Functional/XBBCodeAdminTest.php Test the administrative interface.
XBBCodeDefaultConfigTest class Drupal\Tests\xbbcode\Kernel tests/src/Kernel/XBBCodeDefaultConfigTest.php Test the module's default configuration.
XBBCodeFilter class Drupal\xbbcode\Plugin\Filter src/Plugin/Filter/XBBCodeFilter.php Provides a filter that converts BBCode to HTML. 1
XBBCodeFilterTest class Drupal\Tests\xbbcode\Kernel tests/src/Kernel/XBBCodeFilterTest.php Test the filter.
XBBCodeParser class Drupal\xbbcode\Parser src/Parser/XBBCodeParser.php The standard XBBCode parser. 5


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