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Functions in Extensible BBCode 8.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_xbbcode_info ./xbbcode.api.php Define tags that can be used by XBBCode.
hook_xbbcode_TAG_render ./xbbcode.api.php Sample render callback. 1
theme_xbbcode_settings_handlers_format ./xbbcode.module Renders the handlers subform as a table. 1
xbbcode_basic_init xbbcode_basic/xbbcode_basic.module
xbbcode_basic_render_code xbbcode_basic/xbbcode_basic.module 1
xbbcode_basic_render_define xbbcode_basic/xbbcode_basic.module 1
xbbcode_basic_render_img xbbcode_basic/xbbcode_basic.module 1
xbbcode_basic_render_list xbbcode_basic/xbbcode_basic.module 1
xbbcode_basic_render_nodelink xbbcode_basic/xbbcode_basic.module 1
xbbcode_basic_render_table xbbcode_basic/xbbcode_basic.module Renders a table tag. 1
xbbcode_basic_render_youtube xbbcode_basic/xbbcode_basic.module 1
xbbcode_basic_xbbcode_info xbbcode_basic/xbbcode_basic.module
xbbcode_custom_tag_delete ./ Delete custom tags from the database. 1
xbbcode_custom_tag_exists ./ Check if a custom tag with a certain name exists. 1
xbbcode_custom_tag_load ./ Load a custom tag. 2 2
xbbcode_custom_tag_save ./ Save a custom tag. 1
xbbcode_schema ./xbbcode.install Implements hook_schema().
xbbcode_settings_handlers_process ./xbbcode.module 1
xbbcode_theme ./xbbcode.module Implements hook_theme().
xbbcode_xbbcode_info ./xbbcode.module Implements hook_xbbcode_info().
_xbbcode_build_descriptions ./ Concatenate a tag's descriptions, making all but one invisible. 1
_xbbcode_build_handlers ./ Discover the handlers by module hook invokation. 1
_xbbcode_build_tags ./ Invoke all handlers to get the tags for a certain format. 1
_xbbcode_custom_eval ./xbbcode.module Rendering callback for dynamic custom tags (PHP evaluated). 1
_xbbcode_module_names ./ End-user names of all modules that implement hook_xbbcode_info(). 1

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