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Functions in X Autoload 7.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_xautoload ./xautoload.api.php Implements hook_xautoload()
libraries_xautoload ./xautoload.module Implements hook_xautoload on behalf of libraries module
mymodule_libraries_info ./xautoload.api.php Implements hook_libraries_info()
xautoload ./xautoload.module Get a service object from the registry. Services are lazy-created first time you need them. 2 3
xautoload_boot ./xautoload.module Implements hook_boot()
xautoload_custom_theme ./xautoload.module Implements hook_custom_theme() We only do this because that's the first hook to fire after bootstrap. 1
xautoload_get_finder ./xautoload.module Get the class finder object. This is the public version of _xautoload_finder(). 2
xautoload_init ./xautoload.module Implements hook_init()
xautoload_modules_enabled ./xautoload.module Implements hook_modules_enabled()
xautoload_modules_installed ./xautoload.module Implements hook_modules_installed()
xautoload_module_implements_alter ./xautoload.module Implements hook_module_implements_alter()
xautoload_registry_files_alter ./xautoload.module Implements hook_registry_files_alter()
xautoload_simpletest_alter ./xautoload.module Implements hook_simpletest_alter().
_MYMODULE_autoload ./ The autoload callback for this specific module, used if xautoload is not present. You want to replace any "MYMODULE" with the module name. 1
_MYMODULE_include ./ Include basic files, and get the autoload to work.
_simpletest_xautoload ./xautoload.module Implements hook_xautoload() on behalf of simpletest 1
_xautoload_autoload_temp ./xautoload.module Temporary loader callback, to avoid any module_load_include() while building the real autoloader. 1 1
_xautoload_register ./xautoload.module Build and register the xautoload loader. 1

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