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function wysiwyg_template_load_all in Wysiwyg API template plugin 7.2

Wysiwyg load all templates from the database

3 calls to wysiwyg_template_load_all()
wysiwyg_template_features_export_options in ./
Implements hook_features_export_options().
wysiwyg_template_form_node_type_form_alter in ./wysiwyg_template.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
wysiwyg_template_list_js in ./wysiwyg_template.module
Generate javascript for template loading


./wysiwyg_template.module, line 363
Makes TinyMCE Templates available as plugin for client-side editors integrated via Wysiwyg API.


function wysiwyg_template_load_all($contentType = '_', $forSelect = FALSE, $includeNone = FALSE) {
  global $base_url;
  $templateResults = db_query("SELECT * FROM {wysiwyg_templates} order by weight");
  $templates = array();
  foreach ($templateResults as $dbTemplate) {

    // Check, if the template is limited to a content type.
    if ($contentType != '_') {
      $types = db_select('wysiwyg_templates_content_types', 'wc')
        ->fields('wc', array(
        ->condition('', $dbTemplate->name)
      if (!empty($types)) {

        // The template is limited and we now check it.
        if (!in_array($contentType, $types)) {

          // Do not include this template.

    //get the image
    $image = file_load($dbTemplate->fid);
    if ($image) {
      $image_uri = str_replace($base_url, "", image_style_url('wysiwyg_template_thumbnail', $image->uri));
    else {
      $image_uri = "";
    $template = array(
      'title' => $dbTemplate->title,
      'description' => $dbTemplate->description,
      'weight' => $dbTemplate->weight,
      'image' => $image_uri,
      'body' => token_replace($dbTemplate->body),
      'format' => $dbTemplate->format,
      'name' => $dbTemplate->name,
    $templates[] = $template;

  // provide a hook to prepare the templates
  drupal_alter('wysiwyg_templates_load', $templates);
  if (!$forSelect) {
    return $templates;
  $template_select = $includeNone ? array(
    '' => '-' . t('none') . '-',
  ) : array();
  foreach ($templates as $template) {
    $template_select[$template['name']] = $template['title'];
  return $template_select;