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Functions in CKEditor for WYSIWYG Module 8

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
ckeditor_ckeditor_plugins ./ckeditor.module Implements hook_ckeditor_plugins().
ckeditor_image_plugin_check ./ckeditor.module Enabled callback for hook_ckeditor_plugins(). 1
ckeditor_library_info ./ckeditor.module Implements hook_library_info().
ckeditor_page_build ./ckeditor.module Implements hook_page_build().
ckeditor_plugins ./ckeditor.module Retrieves the full list of installed CKEditor plugins. 2
ckeditor_theme ./ckeditor.module Implements hook_theme().
hook_ckeditor_css_alter ./ckeditor.api.php Modify the list of CSS files that will be added to a CKEditor instance.
hook_ckeditor_plugins ./ckeditor.api.php Provides a list of CKEditor plugins.
hook_ckeditor_plugins_alter ./ckeditor.api.php Modify the list of available CKEditor plugins.
hook_ckeditor_PLUGIN_plugin_check ./ckeditor.api.php Enabled callback for hook_ckeditor_plugins().
template_preprocess_ckeditor_settings_toolbar ./ Preprocess variables for theme_ckeditor_settings_toolbar().
theme_ckeditor_settings_toolbar ./ Displays the toolbar configuration for CKEditor.
_ckeditor_theme_css ./ckeditor.module Retrieves the default theme's CKEditor stylesheets defined in the .info file. 1

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