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function wysiwyg_pre_render_text_format in Wysiwyg 7.2

Process a text format widget to load and attach editors.

The element's #id is used as reference to attach client-side editors.

1 string reference to 'wysiwyg_pre_render_text_format'
wysiwyg_element_info_alter in ./wysiwyg.module
Implements hook_element_info_alter().


./wysiwyg.module, line 225


function wysiwyg_pre_render_text_format($element) {

  // filter_process_format() copies properties to the expanded 'value' child
  // element. Skip this text format widget, if it contains no 'format' or when
  // the current user does not have access to edit the value.
  // Simplify module creates an extra incomplete 'format' on the base field.
  if (!isset($element['format']['format']) || !empty($element['value']['#disabled'])) {
    return $element;

  // Allow modules to programmatically enforce no client-side editor by setting
  // the #wysiwyg property to FALSE.
  if (isset($element['#wysiwyg']) && !$element['#wysiwyg']) {
    return $element;
  $format_field =& $element['format'];
  $field =& $element['value'];
  $settings = array(
    'field' => $field['#id'],

  // If this textarea is #resizable the 'none' editor will attach/detach it to
  // avoid hi-jacking the UI.
  if (!empty($field['#resizable'])) {
    $settings['resizable'] = 1;
  if (isset($element['summary']) && $element['summary']['#type'] == 'textarea') {
    $settings['summary'] = $element['summary']['#id'];
  if (!$format_field['format']['#access'] || isset($format_field['#access']) && !$format_field['#access']) {

    // Directly specify which the single available format is.
    $available_formats = array(
      $format_field['format']['#value'] => $format_field['format']['#options'][$format_field['format']['#value']],
    $settings['activeFormat'] = $format_field['format']['#value'];
  else {

    // Let the client check the selectbox for the active format.
    $available_formats = $format_field['format']['#options'];
    $settings['select'] = $format_field['format']['#id'];

  // Determine the available text formats.
  foreach ($available_formats as $format_id => $format_name) {
    $format = 'format' . $format_id;

    // Fetch the profile associated to this text format.
    $profile = wysiwyg_get_profile($format_id);
    if ($profile) {

      // Initialize default settings, defaulting to 'none' editor.
      $settings[$format] = array(
        'editor' => 'none',
        'status' => 1,
        'toggle' => 1,
      $loaded = TRUE;
      if (isset($profile->preferences['add_to_summaries']) && !$profile->preferences['add_to_summaries']) {
        $settings[$format]['skip_summary'] = 1;
      $settings[$format]['editor'] = $profile->editor;
      $settings[$format]['status'] = (int) wysiwyg_user_get_status($profile);
      if (isset($profile->preferences['show_toggle'])) {
        $settings[$format]['toggle'] = (int) $profile->preferences['show_toggle'];

      // Check editor theme (and reset it if not/no longer available).
      $theme = wysiwyg_get_editor_themes($profile, isset($profile->settings['theme']) ? $profile->settings['theme'] : '');

      // Add plugin settings (first) for this text format.

      // Add profile settings for this text format.
      wysiwyg_add_editor_settings($profile, $theme);

  // Store the unaltered content so it can be restored if no changes
  // intentionally made by the user were detected, such as those caused by
  // WYSIWYG editors when initially parsing and loading content.
  if (!empty($element['value']['#value'])) {
    $original = $element['value']['#value'];
    $element['value']['#attributes']['data-wysiwyg-value-original'] = $original;
    $element['value']['#attributes']['data-wysiwyg-value-is-changed'] = 'false';
  if (!empty($element['summary']['#value']) && $element['summary']['#type'] === 'textarea') {
    $original = $element['summary']['#value'];
    $element['summary']['#attributes']['data-wysiwyg-value-original'] = $original;
    $element['summary']['#attributes']['data-wysiwyg-value-is-changed'] = 'false';
  $element['value']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'wysiwyg';
  $element['#attached']['js'][] = array(
    'data' => array(
      'wysiwyg' => array(
        'triggers' => array(
          $element['value']['#id'] => $settings,
    'type' => 'setting',
  return $element;