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Functions in Wysiwyg 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
wysiwyg_tinymce_plugins editors/ Return internal plugins for TinyMCE; semi-implementation of hook_wysiwyg_plugin(). 1
wysiwyg_tinymce_plugin_settings editors/ Build a JS settings array of native external plugins that need to be loaded separately. 1
wysiwyg_tinymce_settings editors/ Return runtime editor settings for a given wysiwyg profile. 1
wysiwyg_tinymce_themes editors/ Determine available editor themes or check/reset a given one. 1
wysiwyg_tinymce_version editors/ Detect editor version. 1
wysiwyg_uninstall ./wysiwyg.install Implementation of hook_uninstall()
wysiwyg_update_6001 ./wysiwyg.install Associate Wysiwyg profiles with input formats.
wysiwyg_user ./wysiwyg.module Implementation of hook_user().
wysiwyg_user_get_status ./wysiwyg.module 1
wysiwyg_whizzywig_editor editors/ Plugin implementation of hook_editor().
wysiwyg_whizzywig_plugins editors/ Return internal plugins for Whizzywig; semi-implementation of hook_wysiwyg_plugin(). 1
wysiwyg_whizzywig_settings editors/ Return runtime editor settings for a given wysiwyg profile. 1
wysiwyg_whizzywig_version editors/ Detect editor version. 1
wysiwyg_wysiwyg_plugin ./ Implementation of hook_wysiwyg_plugin().
wysiwyg_yui_button_setting editors/ Create the JavaScript structure for a YUI button. 1
wysiwyg_yui_editor editors/ Plugin implementation of hook_editor().
wysiwyg_yui_load editors/ Perform additional actions upon loading this editor. 1
wysiwyg_yui_plugins editors/ Return internal plugins for this editor; semi-implementation of hook_wysiwyg_plugin(). 1 1
wysiwyg_yui_settings editors/ Return runtime editor settings for a given wysiwyg profile. 1
wysiwyg_yui_themes editors/ Determine available editor themes or check/reset a given one. 1
wysiwyg_yui_version editors/ Detect editor version. 1
_wysiwyg_install_get_formats ./wysiwyg.install Retrieve a list of input formats to associate profiles to. 2
_wysiwyg_process_include ./wysiwyg.module Process a single hook implementation of a wysiwyg editor. 1
_wysiwyg_tinymce_plugin_name editors/ Add or remove leading hiven to/of external plugin names.


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