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function wunderground_weather_help in Wunderground weather 7

Implements hook_help().


./wunderground_weather.module, line 12
Wunderground weather module to display weather forecasts and current weather conditions in blocks.


function wunderground_weather_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {

    // Main module help for this module.
    case 'admin/help#wunderground_weather':
      return '<p>' . t('The Wunderground weather module provides two types of blocks, one with current weather conditions and one with weatherforecasts for a certain location. You can choose how many blocks of each kind you want. The weather data is retrieved by making calls to the Wunderground API. In order to use this module, you will need to create an API at @url. You can either choose for a free account or you can sign up for a paid account, in which case you will be allowed to make lot more requests per day. Once you have obtained your API key, you can go to the Wunderground weather settings page and fill in the key. Here you should also enter the language you would like to use and choose to use caching or not. Caching will reduce the number of calls to Wunderground and is a lot faster. If you choose not to cache, you will have the most up to date data in your blocks. When you have completed the settings form, you can place your block on the page. You can configure each block by choosing a location and the data you want to display.', array(
        '@url' => url(''),
      )) . '</p>';