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function _wunderground_weather_get_icon_url in Wunderground weather 7

Generate a url to an icon a an icon set.


string $icon: The name of the icon.

$icon_set: The name of the icon set.

Return value

string The url of the requested icon.

2 calls to _wunderground_weather_get_icon_url()
wunderground_weather_get_current in ./wunderground_weather.module
Get current weather conditions and return them.
wunderground_weather_get_forecast_data in ./wunderground_weather.module
Get weather forecast from Wunderground.


./wunderground_weather.module, line 844
Wunderground weather module to display weather forecasts and current weather conditions in blocks.


function _wunderground_weather_get_icon_url($icon, $icon_set) {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'wunderground_weather') . '/icons/' . $icon_set;
  $icon_url = $path . '/' . $icon . '.gif';
  return $icon_url;