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function hook_wsdata_language_plugin in Web Service Data 7

List of language handler plugins

Adds to the list of available language handling plugins. The plugins do nothing on their own. They simply define a set of functionality which the WsConnector implementations can reference.

Language plugins define how multilingual data is requested from a web service. There are two classes of plugins:

1. Single request plugins 2. Multi request plugins

Single request plugins mean that all language data is captured in a single request. Usually this means the data processor is responsible for parsing keyed values in the return data per language. This is the default language handler.

Multi request handlers imply that multiple web service requests are required to capture all languages available. The default methods defined for this are "header", "argument", "path" and "uri". It is the responsibility of the WsConnector to support these plugins.

You may define your own plugins if you have a particularly unique language request mechanism (ex: post body data)

For an example implementation

See also

1 function implements hook_wsdata_language_plugin()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

wsdata_wsdata_language_plugin in ./wsdata.module
Implements hook_wsdata_language_plugin().
1 invocation of hook_wsdata_language_plugin()
wsdata_get_language_plugins in ./wsdata.module
Get the list defined language plugins


./wsdata.api.php, line 92


function hook_wsdata_language_plugin() {
  return array(
     * Header language plugin
     * The header plugin adds a header value to the request
     * which sets the language of the request.
     * The value is the language key of the enabled languages on your site.
     * You may override this in the settings array.
    'header' => array(
      'settings' => array(
        'name' => 'Accept-Language',
        'en' => 'en',
        // Each language plugin will list the enabled languages on your site to set values when requesting data for that given language.
        'fr' => 'fr',
      'form' => 'wsdata_language_plugin_header_form',
      'file' => 'wsdata.admin',
      'file type' => 'inc',
      'module' => 'wsdata',
     * Argument language plugin
     * The argument plugin adds a query string argument (ex: ?lang=en).
    'argument' => array(
      'settings' => array(
        'name' => 'lang',
        'en' => 'en',
        'fr' => 'fr',
      'form' => 'wsdata_language_plugin_argument_form',
      'file' => 'wsdata.admin',
      'file type' => 'inc',
      'module' => 'wsdata',
     * Path language plugin
     * The path plugin puts the language into the request path at the given position.
     * Ex:
     *   position = 0,
     *   position = 2,
     * By default, it acts as a path prefix. (i.e. position 0)
    'path' => array(
      'settings' => array(
        'position' => 0,
        'en' => 'en',
        'fr' => 'fr',
      'form' => 'wsdata_language_plugin_path_form',
      'file' => 'wsdata.admin',
      'file type' => 'inc',
      'module' => 'wsdata',
     * URI language plugin
     * The URI plugin changes the URI to a different one based on the requesting language.
    'uri' => array(
      'settings' => array(
        'en' => '',
        'fr' => '',
      'form' => 'wsdata_language_plugin_path_form',
      'file' => 'wsdata.admin',
      'file type' => 'inc',
      'module' => 'wsdata',
     * Default language plugin
     * By default, do nothing. Assume the WsProcessor will have all the language data
     * in a single request.
    'default' => array(
      'settings' => array(),
      'form' => 'wsdata_language_plugin_default_form',
      'file' => 'wsdata.admin',
      'file type' => 'inc',
      'module' => 'wsdata',