function wsfields_data_load in Web Service Data 7
Perform read service call
string $entity_type: Machine name of a given entity type
array $field: Field definition to load data into
object $entity: Entity object
Return value
array|boolean Returns the formatted field data, FALSE otherwise.
1 call to wsfields_data_load()
- wsfields_storage_field_storage_load in modules/
wsfields_storage/ wsfields_storage.module - Implements hook_field_storage_load().
- modules/
wsfields/ wsfields.module, line 231 - Defines core functionality for web service powered fields
function wsfields_data_load($entity_type, $field, $entity) {
debug("WSFields loading " . $entity->type . "->" . $field['field_name'] . " of type " . $field['type']);
if (!isset($field['storage']['settings']['wsconfig_name'])) {
debug("wsconfig_name not set, wsfield cannot continue.");
return FALSE;
// Load required settings from the field instance
$wsconfig_name = $field['storage']['settings']['wsconfig_name'];
$remotename = $field['storage']['settings']['remotekey'];
$passaccepts = isset($field['storage']['settings']['passaccepts']) ? $field['storage']['settings']['passaccepts'] : TRUE;
$processor = $field['storage']['settings']['processor'];
if (!empty($field['storage']['settings']['propertymap']['read'])) {
$propertymap = $field['storage']['settings']['propertymap']['read'];
list($id, $vid, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
$cid = 'wsfield:' . $entity_type . ':' . $id . ':' . $field['field_name'];
$expirecid = 'wsfield_expire:' . $entity_type . ':' . $id;
$cachefield = cache_get($cid, 'cache_field');
if ($cachefield) {
return $cachefield->data;
// Load the web service configuration
$wsconfig = wsconfig_load_by_name($wsconfig_name);
if (!is_object($wsconfig)) {
debug("Couldn't find wsconfig: " . $wsconfig_name);
return FALSE;
else {
// Replace the tokens in the "read" pattern with entity property values
$ws_keys = array();
if (isset($entity->ws_keys) and !empty($entity->ws_keys)) {
$ws_keys = unserialize($entity->ws_keys);
$replacements = array();
if (!empty($propertymap)) {
foreach ($propertymap as $pattern => $entity_property) {
// If we don't have a value for a key, exit since we will not be able to resolve the data
$value = FALSE;
if (isset($ws_keys[$entity_property])) {
$value = $ws_keys[$entity_property];
elseif (isset($entity->{$entity_property})) {
$value = $entity->{$entity_property};
else {
debug("Couldn't find pattern: " . $pattern);
return FALSE;
// Replace the placeholders in the URL pattern with values from property key map
$replacements[$pattern] = $value;
if (!class_exists($processor)) {
watchdog('wsfields', 'Web service fields cannot create class @processor. Class not found.', array(
'@processor' => $processor,
drupal_set_message(t("Unable to build data processor. See logs for more details."), 'error', FALSE);
return FALSE;
// Create a new processor
$processor = new $processor(array(), $entity);
// Check the subclass of the processor
if (!is_subclass_of($processor, 'WsData')) {
drupal_set_message(t("Unable to build data processor. See logs for more details"), 'error', FALSE);
watchdog('wsfields', " Unable to create web service processor. Class @class isn't a sub class of WsData", array(
'@class' => $processor,
return FALSE;
// Attempt the connection
if ($wsconfig->connector) {
$options = array();
if ($passaccepts) {
// Load the list of accepted data formats
$type = $processor
// Select the first option
// @todo come up with a way for the objects to decide which accept type it should use
$options['accept-type'] = array_pop($type);
// Check the language settings
if ($field['translatable']) {
$languages = language_list();
foreach ($languages as $language) {
$options['language'] = $language->language;
$data[$language->language] = $wsconfig
->call('read', $replacements, array(), $options);
->addData($data[$language->language], $language->language);
else {
// Read the data
$data = $wsconfig
->call('read', $replacements, array(), $options);
// Load the requested data
$data = $processor
// Build the field format
if (!is_null($data) && FALSE !== $data) {
// First step, format the data into language => array
$data = module_invoke_all('wsfields_data_alter', $data, $field);
// Next, let specific modules alter the data as required
$data = module_invoke_all('wsfields_' . $field['type'] . '_data_alter', $data, $field);
// Finally, run the field data through the empty value filters
foreach ($data as $lang => $values) {
$data[$lang] = _field_filter_items($field, $values);
if (empty($data[$lang])) {
// Display debug information if required
if (!drupal_is_cli()) {
// Update the expires information as needed
if ($wsconfig->connector
->expires()) {
// If we have expires information, compare it to the store info
$entitycacheexpire = cache_get($expirecid);
if ($entitycacheexpire) {
// If it's sooner than the last valid expires, update the information.
if ($wsconfig->connector
->expires() < $entitycacheexpire->data) {
module_invoke_all('wsfields_entity_expires', $entity_type, $id, $wsconfig->connector
// If it's not set, update the information
else {
module_invoke_all('wsfields_entity_expires', $entity_type, $id, $wsconfig->connector
// Cache this field, in case other fields attached to this entity have shorter expires times
cache_set($cid, $data, 'cache_field', $wsconfig->connector
// If no expires info is available, cache for the minimum amount of time.
else {
module_invoke_all('wsfields_entity_expires', $entity_type, $id, time() + variable_get('wsfields_min_expire', 300));
return $data;