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function wsconfig_get_types in Web Service Data 7

Get the list of wsconfig types

8 calls to wsconfig_get_types()
drush_wsdata_list_types in ./
Get a list of all wsdata config types.
WsConfigUIController::addPage in modules/wsconfig/
Create the markup for the add Web Service Configuration Entities page within the class so it can easily be extended/overriden.
WsConfigUIController::hook_menu in modules/wsconfig/
Overrides hook_menu() defaults. Main reason for doing this is that parent class hook_menu() is optimized for entity type administration.
wsconfig_entity_info_alter in modules/wsconfig/wsconfig.module
Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
wsconfig_form_wsconfig_type_overview_form_alter in modules/wsconfig/wsconfig.module
Implements hook_form_alter(). Sorts the WS Config type overview table.

... See full list

1 string reference to 'wsconfig_get_types'
wsconfig_type_form in modules/wsconfig/
Generate the wsconfig type editing form


modules/wsconfig/wsconfig.module, line 311
Main module for wsconfig


function wsconfig_get_types($type_name = NULL) {
  $types = entity_load_multiple_by_name('wsconfig_type', isset($type_name) ? array(
  ) : FALSE);
  return isset($type_name) ? reset($types) : $types;