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constant WORKFLOW_EXTENSIONS_UI_RADIOS in Workflow Extensions 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 workflow_extensions.module \WORKFLOW_EXTENSIONS_UI_RADIOS

@file UI-related improvements to the Workflow module and tokens for Rules.

1a) Replaces the traditional workflow radio-buttons by either a drop-down or single-action buttons featuring context-sensitive labels (using replacement tokens) for a more intuitive user experience. See also the discussion on intelligent buttons at All three UI styles (radio, drop-down or single-action) are available as a block. 1b) Suppresses the workflow schedule transition form if not selected by the user. 2) The module also defines tokens which when used with Rules allow you to more easily invoke actions when something did NOT happen for some time.

Re 1a) Let's say we have a basic workflow with states "draft", "review" and "live". Traditionally authors and moderators must select the next state by pressing the correct radio-button and clicking submit. Experience from the field suggests that not everybody finds this intuitive. Rather than having to think in terms of state transitions, users prefer to press a button with a an explanatory label that clearly expresses what is going to happen. Using this module authors will find on the edit form a couple of clearly labeled buttons: "Save as draft, don't submit" and "Submit for publication". In old workflow-speak the latter action is represented by radio buttons plus a submit button and read less intuitively as: transition workflow state from "draft" to "review". Similarly, with this module a moderator will see on their edit form buttons like "Reject and return to author John" (i.e. "review -> draft") and "Publish this" ("review -> live"). The alternative buttons appear on: a) the node edit form (node/%/edit) b) the comment edit form, if enabled c) the workflow tab, if enabled (node/%/workflow)

Re 2) This module defines a replacement token [node:workflow-state-age], which when used in a scheduled rule set, make it easier to invoke actions when a workflow state was NOT changed after a specified elapsed time. See for full instructions on how to do this using Rules.


./workflow_extensions.module, line 46
UI-related improvements to the Workflow module and tokens for Rules.
