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Files in Workflow Extensions 7

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README.txt README.txt DESCRIPTION =========== When using Workflow and/or Rules this module comes in handy to help you realise some common use case scenarios and to spruce up your Workflow interface. As far as the UI goes this module replaces the traditional workflow… Administrative page for configuring workflow extensions. name = Workflow extensions description = Various UI improvements for the Workflow module. In particular the replacement of the workflow radio buttons by either a drop-down or more intuitive single-action buttons with configurable labels. core =…
workflow_extensions.install workflow_extensions.install Install and uninstall hooks for Workflow Extensions module.
workflow_extensions.module workflow_extensions.module UI-related improvements to the Workflow module and tokens for Rules. views/ Declare new and alter workflow fields, sorts and filters. views/ Canned, ready-to-customise workflow-related views: 1) Workflow Dashboard: a state transition form for each node that is subject to workflow 2) Workflow History: a customisable view version of the Workflow module's built-in workflow history,… views/ Handler for the 'Workflow: state change form' field. views/

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