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function workflownode_node_load in Workflow 7.2

Implements hook_node_load().


workflow_node/workflownode.module, line 42
Hooks and functions for the 'conventional' (version D5/D6/D7.1) Workflow Node, remnants of nodeapi.


function workflownode_node_load($nodes, $types) {

  // Get which types have workflows associated with them.
  $workflow_types = workflow_get_workflow_type_map();

  // Leave early if nodes do not have workflow.
  if (!$workflow_types || !array_intersect_key($workflow_types, array_flip($types))) {

  // Read the current state for all nodes.
  $states = workflow_get_workflow_node_by_nid(array_keys($nodes));
  foreach ($nodes as $nid => $node) {

    // If it's not a workflow type, quit immediately.
    if (!array_key_exists($node->type, $workflow_types)) {

    // Nodes that existed before the workflow was defined may not have a state.
    $workflow_node = isset($states[$nid]) ? $states[$nid] : NULL;
    if (!$workflow_node) {
      if ($workflow = workflow_get_workflows_by_type($node->type, 'node')) {
        $node->workflow = $workflow
        $node->workflow_stamp = $node->created;
      else {

        // Is this possible?
    else {
      $node->workflow = $workflow_node->sid;
      $node->workflow_stamp = $workflow_node->stamp;

  // As of workflow 7.x-2.x, the scheduled transition is not loaded. See issue #2138591.