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function workflowfield_field_schema in Workflow 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 workflow_field/workflowfield.install \workflowfield_field_schema()

Implements hook_field_schema(). This schema is copied from workflow.install, $schema['workflow_node'] .


workflow_field/workflowfield.install, line 12
Install, update and uninstall functions for the list module.


function workflowfield_field_schema($field) {

  //$schema['workflow_node'] = array(

  //    'fields' => array(
  //      'nid' => array(
  //        'description' => 'The {node}.nid this record is for.',
  //        'type' => 'int',
  //        'unsigned' => TRUE,
  //        'not null' => TRUE,
  //        'default' => 0,
  //        'disp-width' => '10',
  //      ),
  //      'sid' => array(
  $columns = array(
    'value' => array(
      'description' => 'The {workflow_states}.sid that this node is currently in.',
      'type' => 'int',
      'unsigned' => TRUE,
      'not null' => TRUE,
      'default' => 0,
      'disp-width' => '10',
  return array(
    'columns' => $columns,
    //    'primary key' => array('nid'),
    //    'indexes' => array(
    //      'nid' => array('nid', 'sid'),
    //    ),
    'indexes' => array(
      'value' => array(