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function workflow_tab_form in Workflow 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 workflow.module \workflow_tab_form()
  2. 5 workflow.module \workflow_tab_form()
  3. 6.2 \workflow_tab_form()
  4. 6 \workflow_tab_form()

Form builder. Allow workflow state change and scheduling from workflow tab. N.B. This function is only used for Node API, not Field API.


$node: Node for which workflow information will be displayed.

$workflow: Workflow object to display.

$states: Array of states for the workflow.

$current: Current workflow state of this node.

Return value

Form definition array.

2 string references to 'workflow_tab_form'
workflow_forms in ./
Implements hook_forms().
workflow_tab_page in ./
Menu callback. Display workflow summary of a node.


./, line 210
Provide user interface for changing workflow state.


function workflow_tab_form($form, $form_state, $node, $workflow, $states, $current_sid) {

  // Let's make sure we should be here.
  if (workflow_tab_access($node) === FALSE) {

  // @todo: remove this in a future version.
  // This is to support workflow-extensions 7.x-1.0, which still passes a $wid.
  if (is_numeric($workflow)) {
    $workflow = Workflow::load($wid = $workflow);

  // This function is only used for Node API, not Field API, hence only 'node'.
  $state = WorkflowState::load($current_sid);
  $options = $state
    ->getOptions($entity_type = 'node', $node, $force = FALSE);

  // Only build form if user has possible target state(s).
  if (workflow_show_form($current_sid, $workflow, $options)) {

    // Tell FAPI where this form is.
    form_load_include($form_state, 'inc', 'workflow', 'workflow.pages');
    $form['#tab'] = TRUE;
    $name = t($workflow->name);
    $form['#wf'] = $workflow;
    $form['#choices'] = $options;
    $form['#node'] = $node;

    // Added for integration with Field widget.
    $timestamp = NULL;
    $comment = NULL;

    // See if scheduling information is present.
    if (!empty($node->workflow_scheduled_timestamp) && !empty($node->workflow_scheduled_sid)) {
      global $user;
      if (variable_get('configurable_timezones', 1) && $user->uid && drupal_strlen($user->timezone)) {
        $timezone = $user->timezone;
      else {
        $timezone = variable_get('date_default_timezone', 0);

      // The default value should be the upcoming sid.
      $current_sid = $node->workflow_scheduled_sid;
      $timestamp = $node->workflow_scheduled_timestamp;
      $comment = $node->workflow_scheduled_comment;

    // Include the same form elements here that are included on a
    // regular node editing page. $form is modified by reference.
    workflow_node_form($form, $form_state, t('Change !name state', array(
      '!name' => $name,
    )), $name, $current_sid, $options, $timestamp, $comment);
    $form['node'] = array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => $node,
    $form['submit'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => t('Update workflow'),
  return $form;