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function workflow_get_workflow_transitions_by_sid_target_sid in Workflow 7

Given a sid and target_sid, get the transition. This will be unique.

6 calls to workflow_get_workflow_transitions_by_sid_target_sid()
WorkflowState::deactivate in includes/Entity/WorkflowState.php
Deactivate a Workflow State, moving existing nodes to a given State.
WorkflowTransition::execute in includes/Entity/WorkflowTransition.php
Execute a transition (change state of a node). @deprecated: workflow_execute_transition() --> WorkflowTransition::execute().
workflow_actions_workflow in workflow_actions/workflow_actions.module
Implements hook_workflow().
workflow_update_workflow_transitions in ./workflow.module
Given data, insert or update a workflow_transitions.
_workflow_admin_ui_transition_grid_form in workflow_admin_ui/
Form builder. Build the grid of transitions for defining a workflow.

... See full list


./workflow.module, line 724
Support workflows made up of arbitrary states.


function workflow_get_workflow_transitions_by_sid_target_sid($sid, $target_sid) {
  $results = db_query('SELECT tid, sid, target_sid, roles FROM {workflow_transitions} WHERE sid = :sid AND target_sid = :target_sid', array(
    ':sid' => $sid,
    ':target_sid' => $target_sid,
  return $results