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function workflow_delete_workflow_transitions_by_tid in Workflow 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 \workflow_delete_workflow_transitions_by_tid()

Given a tid, delete the transition.

3 calls to workflow_delete_workflow_transitions_by_tid()
WorkflowState::deactivate in includes/Entity/WorkflowState.php
Deactivate a Workflow State, moving existing nodes to a given State.
workflow_delete_workflow_transitions_by_roles in ./workflow.module
Given a sid and target_sid, get the transition. This will be unique.
workflow_update_workflows_full_object in ./
For use by CRUD only, save everything from the CRUD formed object.


./workflow.module, line 732
Support workflows made up of arbitrary states.


function workflow_delete_workflow_transitions_by_tid($tid) {

  // Notify any interested modules before we delete, in case there's data needed.
  module_invoke_all('workflow', 'transition delete', $tid, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
  return db_delete('workflow_transitions')
    ->condition('tid', $tid)