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7 calls to workflow_get_workflows_by_type() in Workflow 7.2

workflownode_node_insert in workflow_node/workflownode.module
Implements hook_node_insert().
workflownode_node_load in workflow_node/workflownode.module
Implements hook_node_load().
workflownode_tokens in workflow_node/
Implements hook_tokens().
workflow_vbo_next_state_action in workflow_vbo/actions/
Implements a Drupal action. Move a node to the next state in the workflow.
_workflownode_form_alter in workflow_node/workflownode.module
Helper function to implement hook_form_alter().
_workflow_get_workflow_creation_sid in ./workflow.module
Gets the creation sid for a given $entity and $field_name.
_workflow_notify in workflow_notify/workflow_notify.module
Calls drupal_mail() to notify users.