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function workflow_transition_load_multiple in Workflow 7.2

Load WorkflowTransitions, most recent first.

@deprecated: workflow_get_workflow_node_history_by_nid() --> workflow_transition_load_single() @deprecated: workflow_get_recent_node_history() --> workflow_transition_load_single()


string $field_name: Optional. Can be NULL, if you want to load any field.

3 calls to workflow_transition_load_multiple()
workflow_get_workflow_node_history_by_nid in ./
Get all recorded history for a node id.
workflow_tab_page in ./
Menu callback. Display workflow summary of a node.
workflow_transition_load_single in ./
Load WorkflowTransitions, most recent first.


./, line 558
Integrates workflow with entity API.


function workflow_transition_load_multiple($entity_type, array $entity_ids, $field_name = '', $limit = NULL, $langcode = '') {
  return WorkflowTransition::loadMultiple($entity_type, $entity_ids, $field_name, $limit, $langcode);