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public function WorkflowTransitionViewsData::getViewsData in Workflow 8

Returns views data for the entity type.

Return value

array Views data in the format of hook_views_data().

Overrides EntityViewsData::getViewsData

1 call to WorkflowTransitionViewsData::getViewsData()
WorkflowScheduledTransitionViewsData::getViewsData in src/WorkflowScheduledTransitionViewsData.php
Returns views data for the entity type.
1 method overrides WorkflowTransitionViewsData::getViewsData()
WorkflowScheduledTransitionViewsData::getViewsData in src/WorkflowScheduledTransitionViewsData.php
Returns views data for the entity type.


src/WorkflowTransitionViewsData.php, line 17


Provides the views data for the workflow entity type.




public function getViewsData() {
  $data = parent::getViewsData();

  // Use flexible $base_table, since both WorkflowTransition and
  // WorkflowScheduledTransition use this.
  $base_table = $this->entityType
  $base_field = $this->entityType

  // @todo D8: Add data from D7 function workflow_views_views_data_alter().
  // @see
  $data[$base_table]['table']['group'] = $this
  $data[$base_table]['table']['provider'] = 'workflow';
  $data[$base_table]['table']['join'] = [
    // This is provided for the many_to_one argument.
    $base_table => [
      'field' => $base_field,
      'left_field' => $base_field,

  // @todo Reverse this relationship. See also taxonomy/src/NodeTermData.php.
  // $data[$base_table]['nid'] = [
  //  'title' => $this->t('Content with workflow'),
  //  'help' => $this->t('Relate all content with a workflow.'),
  //  'relationship' => [
  //    'id' => 'standard',
  //    'base' => 'node',
  //    'base field' => 'nid',
  //    'label' => $this->t('node'),
  //    'skip base' => 'node',
  //  ],
  // ];
  $data[$base_table]['from_sid']['filter']['id'] = 'workflow_state';
  $data[$base_table]['from_sid']['help'] = $this
    ->t('The name of the previous state of the transition.');
  $data[$base_table]['to_sid']['filter']['id'] = 'workflow_state';
  $data[$base_table]['to_sid']['help'] = $this
    ->t('The name of the new state of the transition. (For the latest transition, this is the current state.)');
  $data[$base_table]['uid']['help'] = $this
    ->t('The user who triggered the transition. If you need more fields than the uid add the content: author relationship');
  $data[$base_table]['uid']['filter']['id'] = 'user_name';
  $data[$base_table]['uid']['relationship']['title'] = $this
  $data[$base_table]['uid']['relationship']['help'] = $this
    ->t('The user who triggered the transition.');
  $data[$base_table]['uid']['relationship']['label'] = $this

  // @todo Add similar support to any date field.
  // @see
  $data[$base_table]['timestamp_fulldate'] = [
    'title' => $this
      ->t('Created date'),
    'help' => $this
      ->t('Date in the form of CCYYMMDD.'),
    'argument' => [
      'field' => 'timestamp',
      'id' => 'date_fulldate',
  $data[$base_table]['timestamp_year_month'] = [
    'title' => $this
      ->t('Created year + month'),
    'help' => $this
      ->t('Date in the form of YYYYMM.'),
    'argument' => [
      'field' => 'timestamp',
      'id' => 'date_year_month',
  $data[$base_table]['timestamp_year'] = [
    'title' => $this
      ->t('Created year'),
    'help' => $this
      ->t('Date in the form of YYYY.'),
    'argument' => [
      'field' => 'timestamp',
      'id' => 'date_year',
  $data[$base_table]['timestamp_month'] = [
    'title' => $this
      ->t('Created month'),
    'help' => $this
      ->t('Date in the form of MM (01 - 12).'),
    'argument' => [
      'field' => 'timestamp',
      'id' => 'date_month',
  $data[$base_table]['timestamp_day'] = [
    'title' => $this
      ->t('Created day'),
    'help' => $this
      ->t('Date in the form of DD (01 - 31).'),
    'argument' => [
      'field' => 'timestamp',
      'id' => 'date_day',
  $data[$base_table]['timestamp_week'] = [
    'title' => $this
      ->t('Created week'),
    'help' => $this
      ->t('Date in the form of WW (01 - 53).'),
    'argument' => [
      'field' => 'timestamp',
      'id' => 'date_week',
  $data[$base_table]['changed_fulldate'] = [
    'title' => $this
      ->t('Updated date'),
    'help' => $this
      ->t('Date in the form of CCYYMMDD.'),
    'argument' => [
      'field' => 'changed',
      'id' => 'date_fulldate',
  $data[$base_table]['changed_year_month'] = [
    'title' => $this
      ->t('Updated year + month'),
    'help' => $this
      ->t('Date in the form of YYYYMM.'),
    'argument' => [
      'field' => 'changed',
      'id' => 'date_year_month',
  $data[$base_table]['changed_year'] = [
    'title' => $this
      ->t('Updated year'),
    'help' => $this
      ->t('Date in the form of YYYY.'),
    'argument' => [
      'field' => 'changed',
      'id' => 'date_year',
  $data[$base_table]['changed_month'] = [
    'title' => $this
      ->t('Updated month'),
    'help' => $this
      ->t('Date in the form of MM (01 - 12).'),
    'argument' => [
      'field' => 'changed',
      'id' => 'date_month',
  $data[$base_table]['changed_day'] = [
    'title' => $this
      ->t('Updated day'),
    'help' => $this
      ->t('Date in the form of DD (01 - 31).'),
    'argument' => [
      'field' => 'changed',
      'id' => 'date_day',
  $data[$base_table]['changed_week'] = [
    'title' => $this
      ->t('Updated week'),
    'help' => $this
      ->t('Date in the form of WW (01 - 53).'),
    'argument' => [
      'field' => 'changed',
      'id' => 'date_week',
  return $data;