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namespace Drupal\workflow in Workflow 8

Classsort descending Location Description
WorkflowAccessControlHandler src/WorkflowAccessControlHandler.php Defines the access control handler for the workflow entity type.
WorkflowListBuilder src/WorkflowListBuilder.php Defines a class to build a listing of Workflow entities.
WorkflowPermissions src/WorkflowPermissions.php Provides dynamic permissions for workflows of different types.
WorkflowScheduledTransitionViewsData src/WorkflowScheduledTransitionViewsData.php Provides the views data for the workflow entity type.
WorkflowStateListBuilder src/WorkflowStateListBuilder.php Defines a class to build a draggable listing of Workflow State entities.
WorkflowTransitionListBuilder src/WorkflowTransitionListBuilder.php Defines a class to build a draggable listing of Workflow State entities.
WorkflowTransitionViewsData src/WorkflowTransitionViewsData.php Provides the views data for the workflow entity type.
WorkflowTypeAttributeTrait src/WorkflowTypeAttributeTrait.php Wrapper methods for Workflow* objects.
WorkflowURLRouteParametersTrait src/WorkflowURLRouteParametersTrait.php Provides route parameters for workflow entity types.