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protected function WorkflowTransition::isAllowed in Workflow 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/Entity/WorkflowTransition.php \WorkflowTransition::isAllowed()

Verifies if the given transition is allowed.

  • In settings;
  • In permissions;
  • By permission hooks, implemented by other modules.





Return value

bool TRUE if OK, else FALSE. TRUE if OK, else FALSE.

Having both $roles AND $user seems redundant, but $roles have been tampered with, even though they belong to the $user.

See also


1 call to WorkflowTransition::isAllowed()
WorkflowTransition::execute in includes/Entity/WorkflowTransition.php
Execute a transition (change state of a node).


includes/Entity/WorkflowTransition.php, line 229
Contains workflow\includes\Entity\WorkflowTransition. Contains workflow\includes\Entity\WorkflowTransitionController.


Implements an actual Transition.


protected function isAllowed($roles, $user, $force) {
  if ($force || $user->uid == 1) {
    return TRUE;

  // Check allow-ability of state change if user is not superuser (might be cron).
  // Get the WorkflowConfigTransition.
  // @todo: some day, WorkflowConfigTransition can be a parent of WorkflowTransition.
  $workflow = $this
  $config_transitions = $workflow
    ->getTransitionsBySidTargetSid($this->old_sid, $this->new_sid);
  $config_transition = reset($config_transitions);
  if (!$config_transition || !$config_transition
    ->isAllowed($roles)) {
    $t_args = array(
      '%old_sid' => $this->old_sid,
      '%new_sid' => $this->new_sid,
    watchdog('workflow', 'Attempt to go to nonexistent transition (from %old_sid to %new_sid)', $t_args, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;