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function hook_workbench_scheduler_post_process_end_dates in Workbench Scheduler 7

Perform action after ending schedules for nodes.

This hook is invoked from workbench_scheduler_process_end_dates() after ending schedules for nodes.


array $scheduled_nodes: An array of node schedule data, each element in the array is an object containing the following properties:

  • nid: The node nid
  • vid: The node revision id
  • sid: The schedule id
  • end_state: The state the node was set to.
1 invocation of hook_workbench_scheduler_post_process_end_dates()
workbench_scheduler_process_end_dates in ./workbench_scheduler.module
Run schedules for end times / states.


./, line 101


function hook_workbench_scheduler_post_process_end_dates(array $scheduled_nodes) {

  // Set a watchdog log message.
  watchdog('workbench_scheduler', '@count nodes had their schedules ended.', array(
    '@count' => count($scheduled_nodes),