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function workbench_moderation_update_7007 in Workbench Moderation 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 workbench_moderation.install \workbench_moderation_update_7007()

Replace the "Unpublish the current live revision" permission with a transition.


./workbench_moderation.install, line 573
Install file for the Workbench Moderation module.


function workbench_moderation_update_7007() {

  // Normally we would use workbench_moderation_states(), but we can't guarantee that workbench_moderation is enabled.
  $states = db_select('workbench_moderation_states', 'states')
    ->fields('states', array(
    ->orderBy('states.weight', 'ASC')

  // Add an unpublish transition from published to draft. The 'published' state
  // currently can't be deleted, but the draft state may or may not be present.
  $transition = (object) array(
    'from_name' => 'published',
    'to_name' => isset($states['draft']) ? 'draft' : key($states),

  // Normally we would use workbench_moderation_transition_save(), but we can't guarantee that workbench_moderation is enabled.
    'from_name' => $transition->from_name,
    'to_name' => $transition->to_name,
    ->fields((array) $transition)

  // Change permission grants from the deprecated unpublish permission to the
  // new transition permission.
  $roles = user_roles(FALSE, 'unpublish live revision');
  $permissions = array(
    'unpublish live revision' => FALSE,
    "moderate content from {$transition->from_name} to {$transition->to_name}" => TRUE,
  foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) {
    user_role_change_permissions($rid, $permissions);
  return t("Added a new transition from %from to %to and updated unpublish permissions. Unpublishing content is now controlled by transition permissions, and roles with the 'Bypass moderation restrictions' permission may unpublish content.", array(
    '%from' => $transition->from_name,
    '%to' => $transition->to_name,