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function workbench_workflows_load_all in Workbench Moderation 7.2

Load a single workbench moderation exportable.


string $type: Allowed values are 'states', 'events', and 'workflows'

string $name: The machine name of the exportable.

$reset: A boolean for whether the static cache should be reset. Returns a CTools exportable object.

6 calls to workbench_workflows_load_all()
WorkbenchWorkflowsAdminUITestCase::testUIInstallofDefaultWorkflow in modules/workbench_workflows/tests/workbench_workflows.test
Test View Draft tab.
workbench_moderation_permission in ./workbench_moderation.module
Implements hook_permission().
workbench_workflows_load_enabled in modules/workbench_workflows/workbench_workflows.module
Load enabled workbench moderation exportables.
workbench_workflows_requirements in modules/workbench_workflows/workbench_workflows.install
Implements hook_requirements().
workbench_workflows_ui::edit_form_events in modules/workbench_workflows/plugins/export_ui/workbench_workflows_ui.class.php

... See full list


modules/workbench_workflows/workbench_workflows.module, line 166


function workbench_workflows_load_all($type = 'states', $reset = FALSE) {
  $cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());

  // We check our own private static because individual minis could have
  // been loaded prior to load all and we need to know that.
  if (empty($cache[$type]) || $reset) {

    // If reseting, also reset ctools_export_load_object_all.
    // It seems like overkill but it is the cache used by ctools_export_load_object()
    // @todo, this needs a test.
    if ($reset) {
    $all_loaded = TRUE;
    if ($reset) {
      $cache = array();
    $type_exportables = ctools_export_load_object('workbench_workflows_' . $type);

    // The sort function expects a title property.
    // @todo, perhaps these objects should have those as a column. For now,
    // copy the admin_title.
    foreach ($type_exportables as $machine_name => $exportable) {
      if (empty($exportable->title) && !empty($exportable->admin_title)) {
        $type_exportables[$machine_name]->title = $exportable->admin_title;

      // If scheduling is enabled we need some transition events and a schedule
      // state. These items can be generated dynamically based on the available
      // configuration.
      if (module_exists('state_flow_schedule')) {

        // Create transition events for schedulable event.
        if ($type == 'events' && !empty($exportable->schedulable)) {
          $transition_event = workbench_workflows_create_scheduled_tansition_event($type_exportables[$machine_name]);
          $type_exportables[$transition_event->name] = $transition_event;

        // Add schedule state.
        if ($type == 'states') {
          $state = workbench_workflows_create_schedule_state();
          $type_exportables[$state->name] = $state;
    uasort($type_exportables, 'ctools_plugin_sort');
    $cache[$type] = $type_exportables;
  return $cache[$type];