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function workbench_access_load_access_info in Workbench Access 7

Given an access id and scheme, load the object with its data.


$scheme: The access scheme to check, which is an array including at least an access_type and access_type_id.

Return value

$data A data array containing basic information, name, descrption, access_id and active state. Returns an empty array on failure.

2 calls to workbench_access_load_access_info()
theme_workbench_access_editor_form in ./
Theme the editor list form.
workbench_access_load in ./workbench_access.module
Return information for an access id.


./workbench_access.module, line 1366
Workbench Access module file.


function workbench_access_load_access_info($scheme) {
  $function = $scheme['access_type'] . '_workbench_access_load';
  if (function_exists($function)) {
    $data = $function($scheme);
    $data['active'] = workbench_access_is_active_id($scheme['access_type'], $data['access_id']);
    return $data;
  return array();