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function workbench_access_user_form in Workbench Access 7

Assign sections to a user.


$account: The user account being acted upon.

2 string references to 'workbench_access_user_form'
workbench_access_menu in ./workbench_access.module
Implements hook_menu().
workbench_access_sections in ./
Show user sections.


./, line 363
Workbench Access admin file.


function workbench_access_user_form($form, &$form_state, $account) {
  if (!isset($account->workbench_access)) {
    $account = user_load($account->uid);
  $active = workbench_access_get_active_tree();
  $form = array();
  $form['uid'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $account->uid,
  $form['helptext'] = array(
    '#type' => 'markup',
    '#markup' => '<p>' . t('The list below shows your editorial groups. You may edit any content in these sections and their children.') . '</p>',
  if (user_access('assign_workbench_access')) {
    $form['helptext']['#markup'] .= '<p>' . t('You may edit these settings by checking the proper options.') . '</p>';
  $sections = $account->workbench_access;
  $form['sections']['#tree'] = TRUE;
  $active_items = array_keys($active['active']);
  $section_items = array_keys($sections);
  $parent = 0;
  $used = array();
  foreach ($active['tree'] as $section) {
    $disabled = FALSE;
    if (in_array($section['access_id'], $used)) {
    if ($section['depth'] == 0) {
      $display = FALSE;
      $parent = $section['access_id'];
      $collapsed = TRUE;
      if (!empty($sections[$section['access_id']])) {
        $collapsed = FALSE;
        $display = TRUE;
      elseif (!empty($section['children'])) {
        $check = array_intersect($section_items, $section['children']);
        if (!empty($check)) {
          $collapsed = FALSE;

      // Do we show inactive sections here?
      if (!empty($active['active'][$section['access_id']])) {
        $display = TRUE;
      elseif (!empty($section['children'])) {
        $check = array_intersect($active_items, $section['children']);
        if (!empty($check)) {
          $display = TRUE;
      if ($display) {
        $form['sections'][$parent] = array(
          '#type' => 'fieldset',
          '#title' => check_plain($section['name']),
          '#collapsible' => TRUE,
          '#collapsed' => $collapsed,
          '#tree' => TRUE,

    // Do we show inactive sections here?
    if (isset($active['active'][$section['access_id']])) {
      if (user_access('assign workbench access') && !empty($active['active'][$section['access_id']])) {
        $string = str_repeat('-', $section['depth']) . ' ' . check_plain($section['name']);
        if (isset($account->workbench_access_by_role[$section['access_id']])) {
          $string .= '*';
          $show_message = TRUE;
          $disabled = TRUE;
        $form['sections'][$parent][$section['access_id']] = array(
          '#type' => 'checkbox',
          '#title' => $section['depth'] == 0 ? t('All of @string', array(
            '@string' => $string,
          )) : t('@string', array(
            '@string' => $string,
          '#default_value' => isset($sections[$section['access_id']]),
          '#disabled' => !empty($disabled),
      elseif (isset($sections[$section['access_id']])) {
        $string = str_repeat('-', $section['depth']) . ' ' . check_plain($section['name']);
        if (isset($account->workbench_access_by_role[$section['access_id']])) {
          $string .= '*';
          $show_message = TRUE;
        $form['sections'][$parent][$section['access_id']] = array(
          '#type' => 'markup',
          '#markup' => $section['depth'] == 0 ? t('All of @string', array(
            '@string' => $string,
          )) : t('@string', array(
            '@string' => $string,
          )) . '<br />',

      /* Unused. Here for reference.
         elseif (variable_get('workbench_access_display_unassigned_sections', 0)) {
           $form['sections'][$parent][$section['access_id']] = array(
             '#type' => 'markup',
             '#markup' => ($section['depth'] == 0 ? t('All of') . ' ' : '') . str_repeat('-', $section['depth']) . ' ' . check_plain($section['name']) . '<br />',
           $form['sections'][$parent][$section['access_id']]['#prefix'] = '<span class="workbench-access-disabled">';
           $form['sections'][$parent][$section['access_id']]['#suffix'] = '</span>';
         } */
    else {
      $form['sections'][$parent][$section['access_id']] = array(
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => 0,
    $used[] = $section['access_id'];
  if (!empty($show_message)) {
    $form['sections'][$parent]['message'] = array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#markup' => '<p>' . t('Items marked with an asterisk (*) are assigned by role.') . '</p>',
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Save sections'),
    '#access' => user_access('assign workbench access'),
  return $form;