function _webform_render_shs in Webform Simple Hierarchical Select 7
Implements _webform_render_component().
- components/, line 55 - Webform simple hierarchical select component.
function _webform_render_shs($component, $value = NULL) {
global $language;
$vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($component['extra']['vid']);
if (empty($vocabulary)) {
$form_item['markup'] = array(
'#markup' => '<div class="form-item">' . t('An invalid vocabulary is selected. Please change it in the options.') . '</div>',
return $form_item;
// Add fake item for next level.
$parents[] = array(
'tid' => 0,
$element_settings = array(
'create_new_terms' => FALSE,
'create_new_levels' => FALSE,
'required' => FALSE,
'language' => $language,
if (!empty($component['required'])) {
$element_settings['required'] = TRUE;
$multiple = !empty($component['extra']['multiple']);
// Generate a random hash to avoid merging of settings by drupal_add_js.
// This is necessary until lands for D7.
$js_hash = _shs_create_hash();
$node = node_load($component['nid']);
$component_parents = webform_component_parent_keys($node, $component);
$identifier = 'submitted[' . implode('][', $component_parents) . ']';
// Create settings needed for our js magic.
$settings_js = array(
'shs' => array(
$identifier => array(
$js_hash => array(
'vid' => $vocabulary->vid,
'settings' => $element_settings,
'default_value' => isset($value) ? $value[0] : $component['value'],
'parents' => $parents,
'multiple' => $multiple,
'any_label' => variable_get('views_exposed_filter_any_label', 'new_any') == 'old_any' ? t('<Any>') : t('- Any -'),
'any_value' => 'All',
), $settings_js, $identifier, $vocabulary->vid);
// Add settings.
drupal_add_js($settings_js, 'setting');
// Add behavior.
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'shs') . '/js/shs.js');
$form_item = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => $component['name'],
'#required' => $component['required'],
'#weight' => $component['weight'],
'#description' => $component['extra']['description'],
'#default_value' => $component['value'],
'#prefix' => '<div class="form-item webform-component webform-component--' . str_replace('_', '-', $component['form_key']) . ' webform-component-' . $component['type'] . ' ' . $component['extra']['wrapper_classes'] . '" id="webform-component-' . $component['form_key'] . '">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
'#attributes' => array(
'class' => array(
if (isset($value)) {
$form_item['#default_value'] = $value[0];
return $form_item;