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abstract class ResultSetPluginBase in Webform Scheduled Tasks 8.2

A base class for result set plugins.


Expanded class hierarchy of ResultSetPluginBase

3 files declare their use of ResultSetPluginBase
AllSubmissions.php in src/Plugin/WebformScheduledTasks/ResultSet/AllSubmissions.php
SubmissionsCompletedSinceLastSuccess.php in src/Plugin/WebformScheduledTasks/ResultSet/SubmissionsCompletedSinceLastSuccess.php
TestResultSet.php in tests/modules/webform_scheduled_tasks_test_types/src/Plugin/WebformScheduledTasks/ResultSet/TestResultSet.php


src/Plugin/WebformScheduledTasks/ResultSetPluginBase.php, line 15


View source
abstract class ResultSetPluginBase extends PluginBase implements ResultSetPluginInterface, ContainerFactoryPluginInterface {

   * A query object for submissions.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryInterface
  protected $submissionQuery;

   * The scheduled task this task is attached to.
   * @var \Drupal\webform_scheduled_tasks\Entity\WebformScheduledTaskInterface
  protected $scheduledTask;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition) {
    return new static($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $container

   * TaskPluginBase constructor.
  public function __construct(array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, QueryInterface $submissionQuery) {
    parent::__construct($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition);
    $this->submissionQuery = $submissionQuery;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getConfiguration() {
    return $this->configuration;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setConfiguration(array $configuration) {
    $this->configuration = $configuration + $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function defaultConfiguration() {
    return [];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildConfigurationForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    if ($summary = $this
      ->getSummary()) {
      $form['summary'] = [
        '#markup' => $summary,
    return $form;

   * Get an optional summary for the plugin rendered in the settings form.
   * @return string|null
   *   A summary.
  protected function getSummary() {
    return NULL;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function validateConfigurationForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function submitConfigurationForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function label() {
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function onSuccess() {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function onFailure() {

   * Initialize options likely to be common to most result sets.
  protected function initializeQueryDefaults() {
      ->condition('webform_id', $this
      ->condition('in_draft', FALSE);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setScheduledTask(WebformScheduledTaskInterface $scheduledTask) {
    $this->scheduledTask = $scheduledTask;
    return $this;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getScheduledTask() {
    return $this->scheduledTask;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function calculateDependencies() {
    return [];



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DependencySerializationTrait::$_entityStorages protected property An array of entity type IDs keyed by the property name of their storages.
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds protected property An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization.
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep public function 1
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup public function 2
MessengerTrait::$messenger protected property The messenger. 29
MessengerTrait::messenger public function Gets the messenger. 29
MessengerTrait::setMessenger public function Sets the messenger.
PluginBase::$configuration protected property Configuration information passed into the plugin. 1
PluginBase::$pluginDefinition protected property The plugin implementation definition. 1
PluginBase::$pluginId protected property The plugin_id.
PluginBase::DERIVATIVE_SEPARATOR constant A string which is used to separate base plugin IDs from the derivative ID.
PluginBase::getBaseId public function Gets the base_plugin_id of the plugin instance. Overrides DerivativeInspectionInterface::getBaseId
PluginBase::getDerivativeId public function Gets the derivative_id of the plugin instance. Overrides DerivativeInspectionInterface::getDerivativeId
PluginBase::getPluginDefinition public function Gets the definition of the plugin implementation. Overrides PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginDefinition 3
PluginBase::getPluginId public function Gets the plugin_id of the plugin instance. Overrides PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginId
PluginBase::isConfigurable public function Determines if the plugin is configurable.
ResultSetPluginBase::$scheduledTask protected property The scheduled task this task is attached to.
ResultSetPluginBase::$submissionQuery protected property A query object for submissions.
ResultSetPluginBase::buildConfigurationForm public function Form constructor. Overrides PluginFormInterface::buildConfigurationForm
ResultSetPluginBase::calculateDependencies public function Calculates dependencies for the configured plugin. Overrides DependentPluginInterface::calculateDependencies
ResultSetPluginBase::create public static function Creates an instance of the plugin. Overrides ContainerFactoryPluginInterface::create 1
ResultSetPluginBase::defaultConfiguration public function Gets default configuration for this plugin. Overrides ConfigurableInterface::defaultConfiguration
ResultSetPluginBase::getConfiguration public function Gets this plugin's configuration. Overrides ConfigurableInterface::getConfiguration
ResultSetPluginBase::getScheduledTask public function Get the scheduled task. Overrides ScheduledTaskAwarePluginInterface::getScheduledTask
ResultSetPluginBase::getSummary protected function Get an optional summary for the plugin rendered in the settings form. 2
ResultSetPluginBase::initializeQueryDefaults protected function Initialize options likely to be common to most result sets.
ResultSetPluginBase::label public function Get the label of the result plugin. Overrides ResultSetPluginInterface::label
ResultSetPluginBase::onFailure public function Called when a task fails. Overrides ScheduledTaskNotifyInterface::onFailure 1
ResultSetPluginBase::onSuccess public function Called when a task is successful. Overrides ScheduledTaskNotifyInterface::onSuccess 2
ResultSetPluginBase::setConfiguration public function Sets the configuration for this plugin instance. Overrides ConfigurableInterface::setConfiguration
ResultSetPluginBase::setScheduledTask public function Set the scheduled task as context for this plugin. Overrides ScheduledTaskAwarePluginInterface::setScheduledTask
ResultSetPluginBase::submitConfigurationForm public function Form submission handler. Overrides PluginFormInterface::submitConfigurationForm
ResultSetPluginBase::validateConfigurationForm public function Form validation handler. Overrides PluginFormInterface::validateConfigurationForm
ResultSetPluginBase::__construct public function TaskPluginBase constructor. Overrides PluginBase::__construct 1
ResultSetPluginInterface::getResultSet public function Get an iterator for a set of results matching the conditions of the plugin. 3
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service. 1
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.