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function _webform_localization_mollom_form_alter in Webform Localization 7.4

Interaction with mollom_form_alter() for 'single_webform' localization.

If the translation source node's webform is protected by mollom, and uses our 'single_webform' setting, then we must also protect the other nodes in the translation set.

This is because each node in the translation set will still have a unique client form_id (based on the nid, not the tnid), but mollom will only know about one of those form_ids.

See also


1 call to _webform_localization_mollom_form_alter()
webform_localization_form_alter in ./webform_localization.module
Implements hook_form_alter().


./webform_localization.module, line 895
Webform localization module.


function _webform_localization_mollom_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {

  // Establish that the current node has a (different) translation source.
  // (If this is the translation source, mollom will already know about it).
  $node = $form['#node'];
  if (empty($node->tnid) || $node->tnid == $node->nid) {

  // Prime the static mollom form cache (for manipulation).
  $mollom_cache =& drupal_static('mollom_form_cache');
  $protected =& $mollom_cache['protected'];

  // If the source node's webform is not protected by mollom, we can bail
  // out immediately.
  $source_form_id = 'webform_client_form_' . $node->tnid;
  if (!array_key_exists($source_form_id, $protected)) {

  // Check that the 'single_webform' option is configured for the source.
  $source_wl_options = webform_localization_get_config($node->tnid);
  if (empty($source_wl_options['single_webform'])) {

  // Protect this form using the settings for the single webform.
  // Firstly we take care of the mollom_form_cache() static cache.
  $protected[$form_id] = $protected[$source_form_id];

  // Then, if necessary, we update the mollom_form_load() cache.
  $mollom_form = mollom_form_load($form_id);
  if (!$mollom_form) {
    $source_mollom_form = mollom_form_load($source_form_id);
    $mollom_form = $source_mollom_form;
    $mollom_form['form_id'] = $form_id;
    $cid = 'mollom:form:' . $form_id;
    cache_set($cid, $mollom_form);