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function webform_encrypt_update_8101 in Webform Encrypt 8

Migrate webform encrypt enabed elements to using third party settings.


./webform_encrypt.install, line 50
Contains install and update related functions for the Webform Encrypt module.


function webform_encrypt_update_8101() {

  // Upgrade path for
  // Get a list of all encrypt enabled webform elements.
  $old_config = \Drupal::service('config.factory')
  if (!empty($old_config)) {
    foreach ($old_config as $element_name => $config) {
      if ($config['encrypt'] !== '1') {
  if (!empty($old_config)) {

    // Loop through all webform on the site.
    $webforms = Webform::loadMultiple();
    foreach ($webforms as $webform) {
      $webform_elements = $webform
      $webform_elements_names = array_keys($webform_elements);
      $new_config = [];
      foreach ($webform_elements_names as $webform_element_name) {

        // If the webform is using an encrypt enabled element.
        if (isset($old_config[$webform_element_name])) {

          // Add the new settings to be saved.
          $values = $old_config[$webform_element_name];
          $new_config[$webform_element_name] = [
            'encrypt' => $values['encrypt'] == '1',
            'encrypt_profile' => $values['encrypt_profile'],
      if (!empty($new_config)) {
          ->setThirdPartySetting('webform_encrypt', 'element', $new_config);
          ->addMessage(t('Set webform_encrypt settings for %elements on the webform %webform.', [
          '%elements' => implode(', ', array_keys($new_config)),
          '%webform' => $webform
          ->addMessage(t('Saved the webform %webform with the new webform_encrypt settings.'), [
          '%webform' => $webform

  // Delete the old config.
    ->addMessage(t('webform.encrypt configuration object deleted. If you had exported it you should remove it from your filesystem now.'));