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function wf_crm_fill_form in Webform CiviCRM Integration 7.3

Recursively walk through form array and set properties of CiviCRM fields Called by _wf_crm_frontend_form_alter() when webform is being viewed


$elements: FAPI form array

$node: Node object

$data: CiviCRM data to autofill form (optional)

$submitted: Existing submission (optional)

1 call to wf_crm_fill_form()
_wf_crm_frontend_form_alter in ./
Alter front-end of webforms: Called by hook_form_alter() when rendering a civicrm-enabled webform Add custom prefix. Display messages. Block users who should not have access. Set webform default values.


./, line 437


function wf_crm_fill_form(&$elements, $node, $data = array(), $submitted = array()) {
  $fields = wf_crm_get_fields();
  foreach ($elements as $eid => &$element) {
    if ($eid[0] == '#' || !is_array($element)) {

    // Recurse through nested elements
    wf_crm_fill_form($element, $node, $data, $submitted);
    if (empty($element['#type']) || $element['#type'] == 'fieldset') {
    if (!empty($element['#webform_component']) && ($pieces = wf_crm_explode_key($eid))) {
      list(, $c, $ent, $n, $table, $name) = $pieces;

      // Separate out time fields
      if (substr($name, -8) === 'timepart') {
        $name = str_replace('_timepart', '', $name);
      if ($field = wf_crm_aval($fields, $table . '_' . $name)) {
        $component = $element['#webform_component'];
        $element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'civicrm-enabled';
        if (!empty($field['data_type'])) {
          $dt = $element['#civicrm_data_type'] = $field['data_type'];

          // Add CiviCRM JS to link fields
          if ($dt == 'Link' && substr($element['#type'], 0, 4) == 'text') {
            $element['#attributes']['onblur'] = "if (this.value == 'http://') {this.value = '';}";
            $element['#attributes']['onfocus'] = "if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'http://';}";
        elseif (!empty($component['extra']['civicrm_live_options']) && isset($element['#options'])) {
          $params = array(
            'extra' => wf_crm_aval($field, 'extra', array()),
          ) + $component;
          $new = wf_crm_field_options($params, 'live_options', $node->webform_civicrm['data']);
          $old = $element['#options'];
          $resave = FALSE;

          // If an item doesn't exist, we add it. If it's changed, we update it.
          // But we don't subtract items that have been removed in civi - this prevents
          // breaking the display of old submissions.
          foreach ($new as $k => $v) {
            if (!isset($old[$k]) || $old[$k] != $v) {
              $old[$k] = $v;
              $resave = TRUE;
          if ($resave) {
            $component['extra']['items'] = wf_crm_array2str($old);
          $element['#options'] = $new;

        // If the user has already entered a value for this field, don't change it
        if (isset($data[$ent][$c][$table][$n][$name]) && !(isset($component['cid']) && isset($submitted[$component['cid']]))) {
          $val = $data[$ent][$c][$table][$n][$name];
          if (($element['#type'] == 'checkboxes' || !empty($element['#multiple'])) && !is_array($val)) {
            $val = explode($sp, trim($val, $sp));
          if ($element['#type'] != 'checkboxes' && $element['#type'] != 'date' && empty($element['#multiple']) && is_array($val)) {

            // If there's more than one value for a non-multi field, pick the most appropriate
            if (!empty($element['#options'])) {
              foreach ($element['#options'] as $k => $v) {
                if (in_array($k, $val)) {
                  $val = $k;
            else {
              $val = array_pop($val);

          // Set data for contact image
          if ($name == 'image_URL') {
            if ($val && in_array($element['#type'], array(
            ))) {
              $js = "jQuery(function() {wfCivi.contactImage('{$eid}', '{$val}')});";
              $element['#attached']['js'][$js] = array(
                'type' => 'inline',
          elseif ($element['#type'] == 'value') {
            $element['#value'] = $val;
          else {
            $element['#default_value'] = $val;
        if ($name == 'existing') {
          wf_crm_fill_contact_value($node, $component, $element);