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function _wf_crm_form_data in Webform CiviCRM Integration 7.3

Dispatch function to fill data array with submitted form values Called during webform submission


$data: Array of crm data

$enabled: Array of crm webform fields

$submission: Webform submission array

$updating: Array of known contact ids

$node: Node object

1 call to _wf_crm_form_data()
wf_crm_process_submission in ./
Webform submission handler Create/update CiviCRM contacts and related data Called by presave, insert and update webform hooks


./, line 1555


function _wf_crm_form_data(&$data, $enabled, $submission, $updating, $node) {
  $fields = wf_crm_get_fields();
  foreach ($enabled as $field_key => $fid) {
    $val = wf_crm_sub_value($submission, $fid);
    if ($val !== FALSE) {
      list(, $c, $ent, $n, $table, $name) = explode('_', $field_key, 6);

      // Fieldsets and existing contact fields are not CRM data, so ignore
      if ($name === 'existing' || $name === 'fieldset') {

      // Ignore values from fields hidden by existing contact component
      if ($ent == 'contact' && isset($enabled["civicrm_{$c}_contact_1_contact_existing"])) {
        $component = $node->webform['components'][$enabled["civicrm_{$c}_contact_1_contact_existing"]];
        $existing_contact_val = wf_crm_sub_value($submission, $component['cid']);

        // Fields should be hidden if value is empty (no selection) or a numeric contact id
        if (!$existing_contact_val[0] || is_numeric($existing_contact_val[0])) {
          $type = $table == 'contact' && strpos($name, 'name') ? 'name' : $table;
          if (in_array($type, $component['extra']['hide_fields'])) {

            // Remove the value from the webform submission
            wf_crm_sub_value($submission, $fid, array(
      $field = $fields[$table . '_' . $name];

      // Ignore values from hidden fields
      if ($field['type'] == 'hidden') {

      // Translate privacy options into seperate values
      if ($name === 'privacy') {
        foreach (array_keys(wf_crm_exposed_options($node, $fid)) as $key) {
          $data[$ent][$c][$table][$n][$key] = in_array($key, $val);
      if (!empty($field['extra']['multiple'])) {

        // Merge with existing data
        if (!empty($data[$ent][$c][$table][$n][$name]) && is_array($data[$ent][$c][$table][$n][$name])) {
          $val = array_unique(array_merge($val, $data[$ent][$c][$table][$n][$name]));

        // Implode data that will be stored as a string
        if ($table !== 'other' && $name !== 'event_id' && $table !== 'contact' && wf_crm_aval($field, 'data_type') != 'ContactReference') {
          $val = $sp . implode($sp, $val) . $sp;
      elseif ($name === 'image_URL') {
        if (empty($val[0]) || !($val = wf_crm_filepath($val[0]))) {
      elseif ($field['type'] === 'date') {
        $val = empty($val[0]) ? '' : str_replace('-', '', $val[0]);

        // Add time field value
        $time = wf_crm_aval($data, "{$ent}:{$c}:{$table}:{$n}:{$name}", '');

        // Remove default date if it has been added
        if (strlen($time) == 14) {
          $time = substr($time, -6);
        $val .= $time;
      else {
        $val = isset($val[0]) ? $val[0] : '';

      // Fudge together date and time fields
      if ($field['type'] === 'time' && substr($name, -8) === 'timepart') {
        $name = str_replace('_timepart', '', $name);

        // Add date (default to today)
        $date = wf_crm_aval($data, "{$ent}:{$c}:{$table}:{$n}:{$name}", date('Ymd'));
        $val = $date . str_replace(':', '', $val);

      // Only known contacts are allowed to empty a field
      if ($val !== '' && $val !== NULL || !empty($updating['cid'][$c])) {
        $data[$ent][$c][$table][$n][$name] = $val;